zokugun / vscode-explicit-folding

Customize your Folding for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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Last update does not fold last line #15

Closed mjan4175 closed 4 years ago

mjan4175 commented 4 years ago

After updating to 0.5, the extension stopped working in PHP code:

My setting is:

"folding": {
        "*": [   
                "beginRegex": "\\{\\{\\{",
                "endRegex": "\\}\\}\\}"


  1. The following does not fold:

    // This is a PHP comment to be folded {{{
    // Oh, what a nice first folded line!   
    // Second line to be folded
    // }}}
  2. The following does not include the last line in fold:

    public function bbb() { // {{{
    print "aaa";
    print "bbb";
    } // }}}

3.The following folds at second line (non-indented comment to function) and does not include the last line in fold:

public function bbb() { // {{{
// comment to function
    print "aaa";
    print "bbb";
} // }}}
daiyam commented 4 years ago

I'm on it... sorry about that

daiyam commented 4 years ago

It's fixed! The published extension was missing the needed dependency...

mjan4175 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for quick fix, it works now.

mjan4175 commented 4 years ago

After update to 0.6, the folding is damaged again.

The same issuses as above occur.

mjan4175 commented 4 years ago

Sorry for reopening the issue.

After restarting the VS Code all is OK.

Extension works now.

daiyam commented 4 years ago
