zokugun / vscode-explicit-folding

Customize your Folding for Visual Studio Code
MIT License
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How to NOT set default??? #99

Open strider72 opened 1 year ago

strider72 commented 1 year ago

I do not want to use this be default, but only for languages I specify. How do I tell VSCode (actually Codium) to ignore this plugin unless I've specified it for a specific language?

Very frustrating that the defaultFoldingRangeProvider setting seems to lack a "default" setting. Pretty sure that's VSCode, not you, but is there a workaround? (Maybe set a "do nothing" default rule for your plugin?)

I'm trying to use this for ASP/VBScript, but if I get it working right in my ASP files, it's broken in other languages. I want it to ignore all other lanugages. (That is, I want you lkugin only for my vb files.)

strider72 commented 1 year ago

As a side note: you recommend things but don't explain what they do. For example, I have no idea what the "{{{" default does

strider72 commented 1 year ago

Finally! I basically just shoved it all into the language specific block...

    "[vb]": {
        "editor.foldingStrategy": "auto",
        "editor.defaultFoldingRangeProvider": "zokugun.explicit-folding",
        "explicitFolding.rules": [
                "begin": "{{{",
                "end": "}}}"
            ... my folding rules ...

HOWEVER, it seems to be unstable. For example, if I switch to a PHP file, the default folding for PHP works fine, but when I then go back to ASP, the folding doesn't work until I restart VSCode. A bug, it seems.

strider72 commented 1 year ago

ALSO: With the above solution, I believe this plugin is still affecting other languages. So not entirely a solution to the question posed.

daiyam commented 1 year ago

You can remove the {{{/}}}, it's just an example to use Emacs folding mode.

HOWEVER, it seems to be unstable. For example, if I switch to a PHP file, the default folding for PHP works fine, but when I then go back to ASP, the folding doesn't work until I restart VSCode. A bug, it seems.

It should work but a bug can always be present... I will have to test...

Can you post your full config for this extension?

strider72 commented 1 year ago

My grep is rusty, so no doubt you will see some clumsiness. This is my entire settings.json file.

    "files.associations": {
        "*.asp": "vb",
        "*.ahtml": "vb"
    "security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",
    "editor.insertSpaces": false,
    "editor.wordWrap": "on",
    "git.ignoreLimitWarning": true,
    "window.restoreWindows": "preserve",
    "editor.matchBrackets": "never",
    "workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
    "editor.accessibilitySupport": "off",
    "emmet.preferences": {

    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {

    "[vb]": {
        "editor.foldingStrategy": "auto",
        "editor.defaultFoldingRangeProvider": "zokugun.explicit-folding",
        "explicitFolding.rules": [
                "beginRegex": "^'region ",
                "endRegex":   "^'endregion",
                "foldLastLine": true
                "beginRegex": "^[Ff]unction ",
                "endRegex":   "^[Ee]nd [Ff]unction$",
                "foldLastLine": true
                "beginRegex": "^([\\s]+?)[Ff]unction ",
                "endRegex":   "^\\1[Ee]nd [Ff]unction$",
                "foldLastLine": true
                "beginRegex": "^[Ss]ub ",
                "endRegex":   "^[Ee]nd [Ss]ub$",
                "foldLastLine": true
                "beginRegex": "^([\\s]+?)[Ss]ub ",
                "endRegex":   "^\\1[Ee]nd [Ss]ub$",
                "foldLastLine": true
                "beginRegex": "^[Ii]f(.+)[Tt]hen$",
                "middleRegex": "^[Ee]lse",
                "endRegex":   "^[Ee]nd [Ii]f$",
                "foldLastLine": false
                "beginRegex": "^([\\s]+?)[Ii]f(.+)[Tt]hen$",
                "middleRegex": "^\\1[Ee]lse",
                "endRegex":   "^\\1[Ee]nd [Ii]f$",
                "foldLastLine": false
strider72 commented 1 year ago

In theory doesn't make a difference, but FYI I'm using VSCodium -- the fully open source version of VSCode. Also, I'm coding in old school ASP, not .NET.

daiyam commented 1 year ago

I'm the main maintainer to VSCodium 😉

strider72 commented 1 year ago

Awesome -- big fan of FOSS :-) Only starting to dip my toe into Linux on desktop, but running degoogled Android for over a year now.