zokugun / vscode-sync-settings

Easily synchronize your settings
MIT License
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Comparison with shanshan sync? #4

Open chmac opened 2 years ago

chmac commented 2 years ago

I found your extension looking for an option to sync my settings via git. The shanshan plugin uses a GitHub gist, which is prone to being overwritten, and there's no easy way to do merges, etc. It looks like your plugin will be a great fit for my needs, so firstly, thank you kindly for writing and publishing it.

Would you be open to adding a section to the readme which compares this plugin with others? The shanshan plugin does have >3m downloads, so in my mind it makes sense to explain to people what the differences are.

daiyam commented 2 years ago

For remote git, the extension will:

The extension needs only the url and the branch to pull and push. No authentifications are stored. But the git command on your system will need to be able to read/write on the remote repository.

Ya, a comparison would be nice since I did tried several extensions before writing mine...

chmac commented 2 years ago

Nice. I assume I could also use the file sync option and then just track that directory with git.

Do you want me to leave this issue open to add a comparison to the readme?

daiyam commented 2 years ago

Nice. I assume I could also use the file sync option and then just track that directory with git.

Yes, with https://github.com/zokugun/vscode-sync-settings#file or https://github.com/zokugun/vscode-sync-settings#local-git depending on your use case.

TonyGravagno commented 2 weeks ago

Since this ticket is open, I'll add that comparison with the VSCode built-in feature "Settings Sync" might be helpful. https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/settings-sync

That official page also compares to the Settings Sync Extension which now hasn't been updated in five years. It would be nice to see this live and supported Sync Settings extension in that page, and the other one deprecated, since it's no longer maintained by @shanalikhan.