zokugun / vscode-sync-settings

Easily synchronize your settings
MIT License
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Missing electron bin folder #53

Open matejdro opened 10 months ago

matejdro commented 10 months ago

When downloading settings, I'm getting this error:


/usr/lib/electron25 exists, but there is no bin folder. This is on Arch Linux. Electron is normally installed from arch package and as far as I can tell, works fine. Not sure why plugin expects bin folder to be there.

daiyam commented 10 months ago

With which AUR have installed VSCode or VSCodium?

The issue must be related to the lookup for the binary to restart the app when the sync is done.

matejdro commented 10 months ago

It's the default code package, Code - OSS.

daiyam commented 10 months ago

Yeah, the cli path is modified to "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/code-oss (https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/code/-/blob/main/PKGBUILD?ref_type=heads#L127, https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/code/-/blob/main/clipath.patch?ref_type=heads)

While the extension uses the current process to guess the app executable (https://github.com/zokugun/vscode-sync-settings/blob/master/src/utils/restart-app.ts#L70)

And since the Code - OSS use the system Electron to launch, the detection would need to be updated to support that version.