zollero / el-search-table-pagination

🐶 Combine Form, Table and Pagination components of Element UI together.
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Removed interceptor. #2

Closed kikoseijo closed 6 years ago

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

Had to remove the interceptor, as its intercepting own calls on project. Also, im not kind with migrations, but was a warning with

[Element Migrating][ElTable][Event]: expand is renamed to expand-change

Not sure if you using 2 for double compatibility. I just wanted to warn about the interceptor.

Reason I'm playing with this its because after update row click stop working, and its driving me crazy. Cant find reason for not being working since update.

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

Found the issue, seems @row-click="rowClickHandler" does not work, should be v-on:row-click="rowClickHandler" for the event to get captured.

zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo Yep, Element UI v2.x had renamed expand to expand-change, and I leave the @expand to be compatible with Ele v1.x. Will be removed in the future.

And, @row-click works in my dev environment with Vue v2.5.9 and Ele v2.0.7.

And, the latest version of el-search-table-pagination is v0.4.14, if your el-search-table-pagination is not the latest version, please update it.

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

Excellent tips, Probably something to do with my compliers, I have a sort of a disorder using async modules requires.

anyway, thanks for the response. you are so kind.

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

Sorry forgot to say,

your interceptor should return a promise and not an error. Its intercepting all application requests,

Your code has an interceptor:

screen shot 2017-12-08 at 04 01 36

And this is what happen if status.code !== 200 and there is no data

screen shot 2017-12-08 at 04 04 42

zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo So glad to receive this. I will change it.

zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo I have change the interceptor. And release v0.4.15, See detail.

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

There is also an issue, pagination stopped working. after debugging I found that safari not able to match brackets annotations

if (response[totalField] && totalField && totalField.indexOf('.') !== -1) {

I had to remove response[totalField] && because response[totalField] will always be null.


zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo ok, I just remove it. 😂

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

@zollero , what about rendering html without creating a new slot?

Im finding myself creating slots in the file I use as a template for all the models.

I think it should be easy.

zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo You mean this slot ? image

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

YEs the dynamic slots its how I'm doing right now.

The function that renders

      prop: 'doc_url',
      label: 'Document URL',
      minWidth: 250,
      render: row => {
        return '<a href="#url">FILE</a>'

Will not render HTML so, I have to create a custom slot for this, but if I had a renderHtml: true, will make life easier.

What you think? Maybe there is an option I don't know.

this is my generic class for all models

    <modal v-if="deletingRecord" @close="deletingRecord=null">
      <template slot="header" ><h4>Delete Item</h4></template>
      <template slot="body" >
              <div class="modal-body">
                  <p>Are you Sure that you want to delete <strong>{{deletingRecord.name}}</strong> ?</p>
              <div class="modal-footer">
                  <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" @click="deletingRecord=null" >Close</button>
                  <button type="submit" @click="deleteRecord" :disabled="deleteForm.busy" class="btn btn-success">Delete</button>

    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12 card">
        <div class="card-content row">
          <slot name="tablehead"></slot>
          <div class="col-sm-12">
              :page-sizes="[5, 20, 50]"
              class="table-striped" ref="crudTable" border
              :default-sort="{prop: 'id', order: 'desc'}">

            <template slot="form" slot-scope="scope">
              <div class="row" style="margin-top:20px;">
                <div class="col-xs-6">
                  <el-form :inline="true" :model="propsToSearch">
                      <el-form-item prop="name" style="margin-bottom:0px;">
                        <el-input v-model="propsToSearch.name" ></el-input>
                      <el-button @click="scope.search" :loading="scope.loading">
                <div class="col-xs-6 text-right">
                  <button class="btn btn-info btn-fill btn-wd" @click="kCreateNew">Create new</button>

            <template slot="activeSwitch" slot-scope="props">
              <el-tooltip :content="'Publish status: ' + props.row.is_active" placement="top">
                <el-switch v-model="props.row.is_active" @change="activeStatusChanged(props.row)" active-color="#7AC29A" inactive-color="#EB5E28"></el-switch>

            <template slot="adminCheck" slot-scope="props">
              <i :class="{ 'text-success el-icon-circle-check' : props.row.is_admin, 'text-danger el-icon-circle-check': !props.row.is_admin }"></i>

            <template slot="nameSlot" slot-scope="props">
              <b>ES</b> {{props.row.name.es}} <br /><b>EN</b> {{props.row.name.en}}

            <template slot="catsSlot" slot-scope="props">
              <el-tag type="primary" v-for="cat in props.row.categories" size="mini" :key="cat.id" close-transition>{{cat.name.en}}</el-tag>
            <template slot="commsSlot" slot-scope="props">
              <el-tag type="primary" v-for="comm in props.row.communities" size="mini" :key="comm.id" close-transition>{{comm.name}}</el-tag>

            <!-- <template slot="prepend" slot-scope="props">
            </template> -->
            <template slot="append" slot-scope="props">
              <el-table-column fixed="right" column-key="actions">
                <template slot-scope="props">
                  <!-- <a class="btn btn-simple btn-xs btn-info btn-icon like" @click="handleLike(props.$index, props.row)"><i class="ti-heart"></i></a> -->
                  <a class="btn btn-simple btn-warning btn-icon edit" @click="kEdit(props.row)"><i class="el-icon-edit"></i></a>
                  <a class="btn btn-simple btn-danger btn-icon remove" @click="handleDelete(props.$index, props.row)"><i class="el-icon-delete"></i></a>
                  <span class="pull-right small text-disabled disabled-text">#{{props.row.id}}</span>
            <br />
            <br />

  import Vue from 'vue'
  import Modal from '@/../UIComponents/Modal.vue'

  import ElSearchTablePagination from 'el-search-table-pagination'

  // // Default use axios as HTTP tool

  export default {
    props: ['schema', 'kEdit', 'kCreateNew'],
    components: {
    computed: {
      pagedData () {
        return this.records.slice(this.from, this.to)
    data () {
      return {
        loadData: false,
        deletingRecord: null,
        deleteForm: new KvForm({}),
        searchQuery: '',
        fetchUrl: '',
        propsToSearch: [],
        tableColumns: [],
        records: []
    created () {
      // console.log('[CrudTableDefault.vue] -> created() for: ', this.schema.endpoint)
      this.propsToSearch = this.schema.propsToSearch
      this.tableColumns = this.schema.tableColumns
      this.fetchUrl = this.schema.endpoint
      this.loadData = true
    methods: {
      fetchRecords () {
      handleDelete (index, record) {
        this.deletingRecord = record
      activeStatusChanged (record) {
        window.axios.get('admin/status/' + this.schema.modelName + '/' + record.id + '/' + record.is_active).then(res => {
          this.$notify({title: 'Success', message: 'Status changed successfully', verticalAlign: 'bottom', 'type': 'success'})
          // record.is_active = res === 1
        }).catch(error => {
          console.log('error', error)
          record.is_active = false
      deleteRecord () {
        const id = this.deletingRecord.id
        let vm = this
        Larapp.delete(this.schema.endpoint + '/' + id, this.deleteForm)
          .then(() => {
            vm.deletingRecord = null
          }).catch((err) => {
            console.log('err', err)
            this.$notify.error({message: errors[errMessage][0], title: 'Delete error'})
      changePublishStatus (item) {
        return item.is_active === 1
      toggleSelection (rows) {
        if (rows) {
          rows.forEach(row => {
        } else {
      handleSelectionChange (val) {
        this.multipleSelection = val
      rowClickHandler (row, event, column) {
        if (column !== 'actions' && column !== 'activeSwitch') {

<style scoped>

.modal-body {
    min-height: 120px;

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago

Also, this.$refs.crudTable.dataChangeHandler() with a Promisse I can show off errors to user without interceptors.

zollero commented 6 years ago

@kikoseijo PR please.

kikoseijo commented 6 years ago


Could you explain what was your idea having implemented the interceptors? i can make that also work, but dont understand the purpose of the interceptors in your case.