zolrath / obsidian-auto-link-title

Automatically fetch the titles of pasted links
MIT License
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Is it meant to create databases for sites with Facebook widgets? #47

Open laurastephsmith opened 2 years ago

laurastephsmith commented 2 years ago

Okay, so this is a weird one. Every time I run a link to a page with an embedded Facebook widget in it, a database is created in the Obsidian config directory. In the example below, aresaflowers.com, helstonrailway.co.uk and (I guess) youtube.com are the ones I mean:

laura@lauralaptop:~/.var/app/md.obsidian.Obsidian/config/obsidian/IndexedDB$ ls -hl
total 0
drwx------ 1 laura laura 152 Apr 15 19:28 app_obsidian.md_0.indexeddb.leveldb
drwx------ 1 laura laura 112 Apr 15 14:48 app_static.obsidian.md_0.indexeddb.leveldb
drwx------ 1 laura laura  78 Apr  1 01:40 https_www.arenaflowers.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb
drwx------ 1 laura laura  92 Apr 15 21:58 https_www.helstonrailway.co.uk_0.indexeddb.leveldb
drwx------ 1 laura laura  98 Apr  1 01:31 https_www.youtube.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb

Is that expected behaviour? I've tested by watching the timestamps update by going to helstonrailway.co.uk and it definitely happens when I run "paste and auto fetch title".

Here is the top of one of the log files inside the database directory above:

laura@lauralaptop:~/.var/app/md.obsidian.Obsidian/config/obsidian/IndexedDB/https_www.helstonrailway.co.uk_0.indexeddb.leveldb$ cat 000003.log 
� 6>


Infuriatingly, I can't replicate this in the sandbox vault with just your plugin installed. And yet, if I use my main vault with all plugins disabled except this one, and with the default theme, the phenomenon still occurs! Weird!

Any ideas? Thanks for your help!

claremacrae commented 2 years ago

Hi Laura, Which version of this plugin are you running in each of the vaults?

claremacrae commented 2 years ago

Also in your main vault when you disable plugins, do you close all notes and then restart obsidian? Some plugin changes don’t take effect until after note re-opening or Obsidian re-opening, as I understand it.

laurastephsmith commented 2 years ago

Hiya Clare. 1.2.5 on both. Yes, I restarted. Hmm... :)