zolrath / wemux

Multi-User Tmux Made Easy
MIT License
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wemux users only returns root #16

Open calculoid opened 11 years ago

calculoid commented 11 years ago

The system I am stuck working on is Solaris 10.

As the title states, when listing users attached to the server the entire list is always:

homerville:{calculoid} $ wemux users
Users attached to 'wemux':
  1. root

This also has the effect that I can't kick anyone. I sniffed around in the script and see that the result is coming from the line:

name=``stat -c%U $tty 2>/dev/null``

It only returns root on my system. I assume this is a solaris thing, because it always is if something is weird.

When I check tty on the command line and then check the owner of the pts returned it is always root.

homerville:{calculoid} $ tty
homerville:{calculoid} $ ll /dev/pts/20
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Feb 25  2008 /dev/pts/20 -> ../../devices/pseudo/pts@0:20

Checking a little further shows that /dev/pts/ is filled with symbolic links owned by root that point to files owned by the user they were created for:

homerville:{calculoid} $ ll -L /dev/pts/20
crw--w---- 1 calculoid tty 24, 20 Oct 30 12:10 /dev/pts/20

Announcements that a particular user is joining or leaving the server work correctly.

calculoid commented 11 years ago

Thought I'd update. Despite my relatively novice scripting ability I managed to make an addition to the script so that it works on my system. For those who are interested the addition I made to the status_users() function is between the ##### lines in the code below:

status_users() {
  if [ "$allow_user_list" == "true" ]; then
    while IFS= read line; do
      read tty mode <<<$(echo $line)

      # Check if tty is a symlink
      if [ -L $tty ]; then
        tty=`readlink -f $tty`

      # Get user associated with tty
      name=`stat -f%Su $tty 2>/dev/null` || name=`stat -c%U $tty 2>/dev/null`
      # If user is attached in read-only mode, set mode to [m]
      [[ $mode == "(ro)" ]] && mode="[m]" || mode=""
      # If user/mode is already is userlist, do not add them again.
      if ! [[ "$users" =~ "$name$mode," ]]; then
        users="$users$name$mode, "
    done < <(wemux list-clients | cut -f1,6 -d ' ' | sed s/://)
    # Strip last two characters ', '
    echo "${users%??}"
    echo "User list disabled."
    return 126

This does require that you have readlink on your system, and I've read that Solaris 10 doesn't ship with this by default (big surprise), but I have installed the CSWcoreutils package which includes it.

After fixing this I found a problem with the kick_user() function on my system. The line of script causing the issue for me is:

# Get sshd process with users name and get its PID.
      user_pid=`ps aux | grep "$kicked_user.*sshd" | grep -v grep | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 2`

Due to the way Solaris implements ps, the flags 'aux' needed to be different. I changed to ps -ef. Solaris prints the output columns in a strange order, so the grep functions needed changing as well. In conclusion, if you run Solaris 10 change the line above to:

# Get sshd process with users name and get its PID.
      user_pid=`ps -ef | grep "$kicked_user.*sshd" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`

I'm sorry for not making these fixes in a more generic way, so that they can be added to the main code and work for every system... as I said before, I am a novice scripter and not a programmer at all. I hope this post helps someone else stuck on Solaris.

I'd like to say that Wemux is VERY handy, and thank you for making it! I am a network engineer and have been using Wemux to remotely train new staff on my team. It's much easier for them to watch and help me configure routers directly and on their own screens instead of looking over my shoulder, plus I can work from home this way ;)


zolrath commented 11 years ago

Thank you very much, I'm glad wemux has been useful for you!

I don't have a Solaris machine at the moment to test and integrate this into wemux proper but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for putting in the work and finding appropriate Solaris flags!