zolrath / wemux

Multi-User Tmux Made Easy
MIT License
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Terminal and vim colorscheme #25

Closed mkroman closed 11 years ago

mkroman commented 11 years ago


I was wondering - would you mind telling me which colorschemes you were using for vim and your terminal, when taking the screenshot on https://github.com/zolrath/wemux/blob/master/README.md?

Thanks in advance.

zolrath commented 11 years ago

Hey! I've put information about duplicating my setup in the wiki. I use jellybeans as both my vim theme and my terminal theme, enjoy!

liujoey commented 11 years ago

how do you configure the wemux server using a 256 colors supported tmux?

joshuavial commented 10 years ago

This worked for me to get 256 colors going on osx 10.9.4 .tmux.conf file has set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"

and the TERM environment var is set to xterm-256color alias wemux='TERM=xterm-256color wemux