zolrath / wemux

Multi-User Tmux Made Easy
MIT License
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potential wemux status_users bug #51

Open jhirbour opened 9 years ago

jhirbour commented 9 years ago

At my current job, we use wemux on a common pairing server that all of our devs log in to.

We have this in our shared .tmux.conf file.

set -g status-right "#(wemux status_users)"

Often times I'll have to terminals (iterm) opened to our pairing server. Each connected to different wemux sessions.

Terminal 1: wemux j developer_name1 && wemux Terminal 2: wemux j developer_name2 && wemux

In the status bar of both terminals we see the names that should only be on the most recently connected one.

Is this an error with the line in the tmux config? or a limitation?