zoltan-dulac / css3FontConverter

A shell script that can use other command line tools to produce @font-face compatible fonts in all browsers. Works under Windows (using Cygwin), Mac OS X and Linux
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error sfntwoff ... #3

Closed CarterWebDev closed 9 years ago

CarterWebDev commented 12 years ago

iam gettin an error sayin sfntwoff is not installed. what to do :/

nakoo commented 10 years ago

+1, I have the same problem. Sometimes, "Error: EOTFAST and/or ttf2eot is not installed. Bailing."

zoltan-dulac commented 10 years ago

Hey guys.

EOTFAST, ttf2eof and sfntwoff are currently not installed with the package and must be installed separately. Instructions are on this official documentation for the CSS3 Font Converter:


This is not the first time this has come up though. In the next few days/weeks I will add these items in the git repo, as well as an install script so it isn't so manual. In the meantime, however, you'll have to install them yourselves.

Let me know if there are any issues. I will keep this issue open until I put this change in the repo.

zoltan-dulac commented 9 years ago

Since EOTFAST is the only application that people had downloading in the past, I have updated the repo to include it by default (Thanks to Richard Fink (http://readableweb.com/) for kindly letting me do this).

SInce the others are readily available, I will close this for now. Please read the readme file in the git repo for information about where to get the other applications.