zombieFox / awesomeSheet

Online Pathfinder Character Sheet
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Additional Ability Scores #172

Open DigiBear opened 5 years ago

DigiBear commented 5 years ago

So here's something that'll probably be a layout nightmare but might be interesting to add if it isn't too much trouble.

For certain campaigns, characters might have an insanity stat or maybe something like honour, luck additional to the normal base stats. it would stand nicely with the ability to add custom abilities and skills etc.

I could create some graphics if you want to help explain the idea.

zombieFox commented 5 years ago

I'm not familiar with Insanity, Honour or Luck Stats. Do they behave like normal stats, eg: Str or Dex?

Diagrams would indeed help 👍

DigiBear commented 5 years ago

hmm... it depends rulesets etc don't matter too much since it's homebrew anyway but for a few examples there's sanity for example. Sanity in Pathfinder creates a stat out of the total sum of your mental stats while sanity in 5th ed. is a separate ability score like Str or Dex. that you roll at character creation. I'll add in an example image for those so that you have a reference point.


as an example, in one of my campaigns we've now homebrewed a Luck ability score that you can spend to like hero points but it can also be used as a semi saving throw to see who's the unlucky adventurer that gets hit with the tomb's curse