zomglings / examples

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OpenAI Gym Breakout example #1

Open zomglings opened 6 years ago

zomglings commented 6 years ago

Build an agent which plays Breakout well.

This issue tracks this work.

zomglings commented 6 years ago

OpenAI Gym Breakout environment

The Breakout-v0 environment allows us to play the classic Atari game Breakout using the OpenAI gym interface.

Relevant information about the environment:

>>> import gym
>>> env = gym.make('Breakout-v0')
>>> env.observation_space
Box(210, 160, 3)
>>> env.action_space
>>> env.unwrapped.get_action_meanings()

This tells us that the environment is 210 x 160 pixels with 3 color channels, and that we can take one of four actions in the environment at any given point in time: NOOP, FIRE, RIGHT, or LEFT.