I went through the instructions to deploy JupyterHub with magnum successfully and then tried to tear down those resources since I need to customize the hub.
(ostack) amy@laptop:kubernetes_magnum$ bash create_network.sh
More than one Router exists with the name 'robamy-newk8s-router'.
More than one Router exists with the name 'robamy-newk8s-router'.
(ostack) amy@laptop:kubernetes_magnum$ bash create_cluster.sh
Multiple ClusterTemplates exist with same name (HTTP 409) (Request-ID: req-d6ce958e-4d47-42c0-9c0d-2f9a75dccc82)
(ostack) amy@laptop:kubernetes_magnum$ openstack coe cluster show k8s
Cluster k8s could not be found (HTTP 404) (Request-ID: req-5e3f817c-63cc-4f20-8f1f-9d50629424de)
I tried tearing down all the resources through the Jetstream launchpad but wasn't able to delete the networks. I tried deleting the networks through the API and got the following response:
(ostack) amy@laptop:~$ openstack router delete router-name
Failed to delete router with name or ID 'router-name': ConflictException: 409:
Client Error for url: https://XXX, Router YYY still has ports
I went through the instructions to deploy JupyterHub with magnum successfully and then tried to tear down those resources since I need to customize the hub.
Now I'm trying to redeploy, again following the instructions at https://zonca.github.io/2019/06/kubernetes-jupyterhub-jetstream-magnum.html and am running into issues, apparently because I have multiple networks with the same name:
I tried tearing down all the resources through the Jetstream launchpad but wasn't able to delete the networks. I tried deleting the networks through the API and got the following response: