zone-eu / zone-mta

📤 Modern outbound MTA cross platform and extendable server application
European Union Public License 1.2
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Mail stucked on status queued, won't be delivered #383

Closed avensonk closed 3 months ago

avensonk commented 3 months ago

I'm new to email service provider, based on the demand of company I has been assigned to doing MTA. I done the installation and configuration. When I tried to send the email by using ZoneMTA but the email has stucked in queue never be sending, I am exploring the solution but not get an answer. Does anyone can guide me with this issue?

info Queue/22996 id=undefined 18e9d13c9950003872 QUEUED ( src= subject="TEST zoneMTA Email" body=14 md5=ae08177a267c) info Sender/default/18240[2] id=auephj3hlr7wsux3 18e9d13c9950003872.001 CONNECTING port=2525 C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\lib\sender.js:1029 delivery.connectionKey = delivery.connectionKey || [zoneAddress.address, || delivery.domain, delivery.mxPort].join(':'); ^

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'address') at tryConnect (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\lib\sender.js:1029:77) at Sender.getConnection (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\lib\sender.js:1377:9) at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\lib\sender.js:922:22 at C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\lib\sender.js:61:45 at Immediate. (C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\zone-mta\services\sender.js:101:32) at process.processImmediate (node:internal/timers:478:21)

Node.js v20.11.1 ERR! Child/default/18240 [3a94d2adf94cc63c9807] Sender process for default exited with 1 info Child/default/18412 [a2be5b17686a3ce321fe] Spawning sender process for default info DNS/18412 Loaded DNS cache info Sender/default/18412 [a2be5b17686a3ce321fe] Starting sending for default info ConnPool/18412 Connection pool is ready to take connections info Redis/18412 Redis ready to take connections info Plugins/sender/18412 Initialized Default headers from <plugins\core\default-headers> [load time 9ms]

louis-lau commented 3 months ago

What does your pool and zone config look like?

avensonk commented 3 months ago

Hi @louis-lau , I just solved it. Thank you for response 👍