zonedguy / zoned

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Godroll farming modes suggestions #6

Open marheine opened 4 years ago

marheine commented 4 years ago

First, thanks for putting the script together. So much easier than starting from scratch myself!

1) Perfect Paradox's standalone farming mode (F6) is more efficient than what's in the general script (F7). The naive refactor would be moving the bulk of the F6 function inside the if/else if/etc block starting at line 48, and terminating the script at the end of that codeblock

2) A modification I made locally was adding some more keypresses at the end of the F7 function, such that the script ends looking at the just-farmed weapons. I'm on 1920x1200 so the numbers won't match up for this script, but the principle's the same; open your inventory (could be either i or F1, I suppose), move the cursor over the appropriate weapon slot, then after it expands all the weapons in that slot move over so the cursor is on the first non-equipped one.

Send {i down}
Sleep, 150
Send {i up}
Sleep, 1000
MouseMove, -660, 460, 5, R
Sleep, 150
MouseMove, -110, 0, 5, R

In this case it was for Line in the Sand rolls, so lined up for my Heavy slot. The more extensible solution would be defining an InventoryXOffset for each weapon (lines 48-145), then using that variable in place of the 460 that I use (I think -660 will be the same in your resolution).

3.1) When running the F6 script, I needed to hit the appropriate key twice to start runs beyond the first. Add another Toggle := ! Toggle after line 825 (and in the corresponding spots in other scripts) to properly reset it

3.2) While investigating this issue, I realized the only reason it isn't also occurring with F7 is because F7 is missing a return on line 282; execution is instead continuing down to the F4 section directly below, and getting set back to false on line 289 then skipping the body of F4 as a result.

zonedguy commented 4 years ago

Appreciate the suggestions. You sound like you know what you are doing, unlike me!

1) You are correct that F6 is more efficient, but some clan members got confused that I didn't include Paradox in the F7 list so I did as it is the default condition. If people can't figure out it is more efficient as F6...:shrug:

2) Noted, but I don't want to alter the behavior of the script so significantly at this point.

3) Integrated fixes, thanks.