zoo-labs / zoo

ZOO is a decentralized protocol to collect, breed, and trade Metaverse-ready 3D animals on the blockchain.
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Closed zooqueen closed 1 year ago

zooqueen commented 1 year ago

Should have drop down feature if possible

Untitled 3 Untitled 2
zooqueen commented 1 year ago

PLAY ✅ - Our ZOO Animal Game-Fi NFTs are a truly fun and easy way to monetize and learn about crypto. If you already own real estate in the metaverse you can use the Zoo NFT animals to inhabit any of your virtual properties. Or use our VR technology with any kind of smartphone to bring your animal to share any real-world space with you. Our roadmap involves using Ai to make the animals emotionally intelligent. By utilizing future technology we will turn these NFTs into virtual pets. A cute, interactive animal that could love you like a real pet! However unlike any real pet these NFTs are digital twins of actual endangered animals, and in turn ecosystem fees are captured to save and preserve these animals in the real world!

FEED ✅ - Unlike traditional NFTs, the Zoo Animals can hold collateral value and earn staking rewards. To put it simply the animals are virtual piggy banks. Like a piggy bank one deposits currency while the piggy bank holds it trapped within. As you deposit more funds into the piggy its value increases, yet you are unable to use the funds unless you destroy it revealing all of the past deposits. Similarly, with the Zoo Animals you can “feed” the animal currency to increase the value of the NFT. In order to cash out the NFT rewards + your collateral earned you can burn the NFT or you can sell it on the marketplace for an even higher value especially if the NFT is scarce in the ecosystem.

GROW ✅ - The first NFT is an Egg. An egg can then be hatched to reveal an Origin Baby Animal. Once again if you “feed” your Origin Baby it can mint a Teen version of itself, hence the “growing.” After one receives an Origin Teen it can furthermore collateralize it to get an Origin Adult Animal of the same species. You can collect them all or sell them on the marketplace along the way. If the Origin has already minted an older version you will not be able to repeat the growing process and the only way it can be minted is if an equal or higher value of the Egg Status purchase price.

BREED ✅ - Some people refer to Zoo as an NFT Tamagotchi because of the growing and breeding mechanisms. Once you have collected two Origin Adult Animals of the same species you will be able to breed the animals up to 7x. Animals can be sold before the completion of the 7 breeds. Each breed results in the birth of a 2nd Gen Baby Animal in the same species. 2nd Gen Animals will be able to mint older versions of themselves but not breed at the adult stage. Collect them all or list them on the Zoo Marketplace.

Utility ✅: (need to make these have info pop-up when user scrolls over a word) Offers, Buy / Sell, Collateralize, Boosts, Earns, Create Pool, Breeding, Hatch Eggs, Burns 🔥, Metaverse

Make Offers ✅ - NFT owners can switch on the offers button to allow any user in Zoo ecosystem to find your NFT and make an offer on your Animal. You will have an offers page where you will then be able to accept, decline or counter offer. If an offer is accepted the full ownership of the NFT will be transferred to the person who at that point will have effectively purchased the NFT from you. This means the NFT + collateral + its earned value to date will be transferred to the new owner. Furthermore the current boost level (as defined by the collateral) will remain the same. Despite the change of ownership the NFT will sustain the original utility as stated above.

Buy/Sell ✅ - You can list your NFT on the Zoo Market for a set price, or put it on auction with or without a floor price built in or both. If the selling price is met with a purchase the NFT will be sold and ownership will be transferred on chain. This means the NFT + collateral + its earned value to date will be transferred. Furthermore the current boost level the NFT is at will remain the same. Despite the change of ownership the NFT will sustain the original utility as stated above.

Feed (Collateralize) ✅ - NFT owners can infinitely collateralize their Animals for further rewards, aka Boosts to be earned by using almost any currency, fiat or crypto. The collateral is locked into the NFT and can only be released if the NFT is burned, however owners can also sell the NFT with its collateral value for the perceived value or more. You can mint an older generation of the particular animal species by feeding the animal 1x, or 2x the Original Egg Price, or the (OEP.)

Boosts ✅ - Boosts are determined by collateral added. Another reward in addition to the daily reward that comes with the animal. Rewards Earned = Daily reward + (collateral x boost x days/365)

        $10 - $99 is a 1.1x boost
        $100 - $999 is a 1.2x boost
        $1,000 - $9,999 is a 1.3x boost
        $10,000+  is a 1.4x boost

Earns ✅ - Each NFT Animal has a set daily reward. Even if you never “feed” your animal it will earn value on a daily basis. If you do add collateral and effectively collateralize your animal the daily reward will be amplified (collateral bonus daily reward) days * market percent. You can see the estimated earning potential over time with the Zoo Reward Calculator.

Create Pool ✅ - Essentially, a pool is just a set price you determine for two or more NFTs you own and now want to put for sale as a collection. Once the price of the pool is set anyone can purchase the pool from you if they exchange the value of its price with you. The price will be displayed in the preferred currency (as set by pool owner). Furthermore the user can pay in any crypto or fiat currency, after payment is sent it is converted to $ZOO and paid out to you. Once sale is initiated it can no longer be reversed, but can again be listed.

Breeding ✅ - If you are able to breed two of the same adult species you will mint an NFT Egg of that species status, i.e., Endangered, Rare or Sublime. There are only 7 generations of animals allowed, therefore only 6 breed-able generations.

Hatch Eggs - If you hatch an egg you will be able to unveil what animal is inside your egg. You will get an animal that is the same status of the parents, i.e. Endangered, Rare or Sublime. Once an Egg has been hatched the Egg NFT is burned forever and a new Baby Animal NFT is born, which could be fed more crypto or fiat aka ‘collateralize’ to mint the teen version and eventually the adult version.

Burns 🔥 - Burn your Zoo NFT to get back the rewards earned so far and the collateral that you locked into it. Zoo sustainability tax will be applied.

Metaverse - Future versions of Zoo will include metaverse land where your animals will be able to live in. There will also be an app that allows you to place your animals into any physical setting with VR. Furthermore one can utilize the NFT file formats (FBX and WEBGL) to upload their animals into any type of metaverse landscape!