zookeepr / zookeepr

Conference Management System
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sticker creation is very painful #65

Open clintonroy opened 13 years ago

clintonroy commented 13 years ago

At the moment the sticker creation (for the front of the lanyard) is a bit of a mess. An svg is created in inkscape then edited to include mako template rules, so you can't just open up the image in inkscape and update it from year to year.

I wrote some scripts, external to zookeepr, that take a multi layered inkscape svg, lay it out multiple times on the chosen sticker format (e.g. eight to a page) then replace variables with attendees details.

I need to incorporate these changes into zookeepr.

CarlFK commented 13 years ago

I have used the Dabo Report tool http://wiki.dabodev.com/ReportDesigner for creating name tags.


  1. install Dabo IDE on dev machine
  2. add Dabo module to site install dependencies
  3. use ReportDesigner.py GUI to create foo.rfxml (report template in xml) - add foo.rfxml to code base.
  4. add code to web site: query db, create list of dicts, render to pdf

    generate the pdf in the buffer, using the layout and data

    rw = dReportWriter(OutputFile=buffer, ReportFormFile=rfxmlfile, Cursor=ds) pdf = buffer.getvalue()

I'll be happy to do this.

Problems: Dabo IDE install isn't smooth. The users of the IDE are also Dabo developers, so we have no problem figuring out how to get things running on our local boxs. Mainly getting the right version of wxpython. But this only effects using the GUI to modify the layout. I will sometimes edit the by hand, it he xml is fairly sane.

Web server deps has a mile issue: 'easy_install dabo' works, 'pip install dabo' does not. something odd in setup.py, not enough of a problem for anyone to bother fixing.

OTOH, it handles 6-up layout, uses reportlab (solid) to create a pdf (good for this task) so once you get things setup the results are pain free.