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User appears unable to save transcriptions #391

Open denslowm opened 8 years ago

denslowm commented 8 years ago

Could this be user specific or something related to Windows 7?

Here is a description of the issue:

"When I click OK on that field it wipes out my entries for all the fields. I tried clicking the "Finish this record" button instead, but it tells me that my last field is empty (which makes that button useless). The total number of transcriptions does not change, indicating that the record was not sent to the server."

"it's working in IE, but still not in Firefox or Chrome" User is on Windows 7.

I was not able recreate the issue, using Windows 10 or Mac OS X 10.11

Full thread is here: http://talk.notesfromnature.org/#/boards/BNN0000002/discussions/DNN00007er?page=1&comment_id=56df99dcfebb1d7a560007c5