zooniverse / Data-digging

Scripts and such for data management, analysis, visualization, etc.
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Add a basic aggregation routine #32

Closed PmasonFF closed 6 years ago

PmasonFF commented 6 years ago

Added a Basic_aggregation directory under Building blocks. in Basic_aggregation: Added a very simple sort script to sort flattened classifications by subject. use this to produce a demo sorted file from Aerobotany data.

Added a basic aggregation framework aggregate_frame.py which can be customized for any project.

Customized the framework for the above demo Aerobotany data set. This script, aggregate_drawing_demo.py includes a clustering routine to group the aggregated circle centres and the output file aggregate_drawing_demo.csv shows the counts of the resulting clusters and the cluster details.

Added Plot_overlay directory in Building blocks

Added a script lookup_url.py to produce a subject-zooniverse url table which is later used to load subject images as plot backgrounds. Included the output file lookup_list_subject_url.csv in the repository.

Added a generic script plot_data_interactive.py for producing plots with the subject image as a background and drawing data such as points and circles overlaid on the image. Included plot_data_interactive_aerobotany.py which is a example modified slightly to work with the Aerobotany data flattened and aggregated in the previous sections.
Added a script pickpickles.py that can find and reload saved pickle files of the plots produced above. Also include an example pickle file and a saved jpg plot file.