zooniverse / Panoptes-Front-End

Front end for zooniverse/Panoptes
Apache License 2.0
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[Unconfirmed] Classifier crashes on The American Soldier #5767

Closed shaunanoordin closed 3 years ago

shaunanoordin commented 4 years ago

Major Bug

Ticket: https://zooniverse.freshdesk.com/a/tickets/4257

A user has reported that the Classifier will crash when trying to work on The American Solider - but only Firefox, and (possibly) only on certain workflows.


❗ I have not yet been able to reproduce the error myself on Firefox, nor on Chrome.


This error is now classified as unconfirmed. Investigation has now paused, until new developments arise.

eatyourgreens commented 4 years ago

We've had another report of this.

In working on identifying sound clips for the Filk Archive project, in annotating two of the three clips I've started on today, while typing text on my Android phone I was suddenly thrown to an error page. I copied part of the 2nd one, below. I have NFI (no idea whatsoever) what triggered this. Was my note overflowing an allowed length? I saw nothing in the project's data entry pages about such a limit.

There was an error retrieving project wingkitty/filk-archive. Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185 for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. https://zooniverse.freshdesk.com/a/tickets/5168

eatyourgreens commented 4 years ago

The text task calls setState from componentWillUpdate via handleResize. That could trigger an infinite loop since each state change will trigger componentDidUpdate, which will trigger handleResize. https://github.com/zooniverse/Panoptes-Front-End/blob/4b66bf3992a63af18b7b8b9832a6f8437c6f2b5a/app/classifier/tasks/text/index.jsx#L88-L96

eatyourgreens commented 4 years ago

I think the solution to this is that the call to handleResize() should be wrapped in an explicit check for changes in the text value. We only want to resize the block if the text value has increased or decreased.


eatyourgreens commented 4 years ago

Alternatively, remove componentDidUpdate and handle resizing inside handleChange, which is only called after adding or deleting text.