zooniverse / Panoptes-Front-End

Front end for zooniverse/Panoptes
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Classifier: sometimes text input fields ignore left/right keys #7062

Open shaunanoordin opened 3 months ago

shaunanoordin commented 3 months ago

UI/UX Issue

Problem: in certain conditions, text input fields () in the Classifier's tasks panel ignore Left and Right arrow keys.


My best(??) guess at the moment (which is still pretty weak; see below) is that the Tutorial component is capturing the Left/Right keyboard input but isn't releasing it (addEventListener triggers, but not removeEventListener), since the left/right keys are used by the tutorial to switch between pages. But in any case, replicating this issue is a pain since it requires a fresh new user and a fresh new workflow every time.

Additional debugging notes:

Context & History

Originally discovered by Alisa on 20 Mar on https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/cmnbotany/notes-from-nature-capture-the-collections

See Slack convo: https://zooniverse.slack.com/archives/C06LHUC6R/p1710942747398659


Tested with macOS + Chrome 122


Investigation stopped pending additional help.

Low priority; need to see if other volunteers are reporting a similar problem.

Current workaround is to reload the page.