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logging in issues #88

Open myraf opened 9 years ago

myraf commented 9 years ago

There seems to be an issue with people logging in and having their text 'disappear' when they type in their name and password - which is causing some people to not log in. We are also hearing that the tutorial is still coming up for people when they log in, which is frustrating some of our most devoted classifiers. thank you!

srallen commented 9 years ago

I was able to replicate an instance of the tutorial coming up right after logging in if I logged in while on the home page and then clicked the Classify link. I believe this is fixed now.

For the logging in issues, I still haven't been able to replicate it, but I do know that there has been some maintenance tasks for our database and servers over the past week or so for a new project that may have affected temporarily logging in last week and early this morning. If it's still happening for some people past today, then please let me know.

DarrenMcRoy commented 9 years ago

Users are still reporting being unable to log in and frequently being logged out between classifications.


vjbakker commented 9 years ago

Issues on CW are apparently continuing. Report from today (http://talk.condorwatch.org/#/boards/BCW0000001/discussions/DCW000046x?page=2&comment_id=5519fb4340ead52c5100016a):

I have been having terrible problems trying to classify photos. I usually classify them without signing in so I dont know if this makes me an "anonymous" when I do this but I wanted to start signing in as I enjoy the comments on the photos so much and finally got up the nerve to join in. :) This is the first time I am signing in to do this project with my name but I have done over a thousand of classifications here.

There is no problem with this site until I log in. When I sign in with my name and PW and go to classify I am getting the tutorial every time. When I go to classify a photo I get a gray screen and the spinning sun icon. It never stops and the photo never loads.

If I log in viz the Zooniverse front page and go through to Condor Watch I get the tutorial photo again. Sometimes in this way I can photos, sometimes I will just get the spinning sun again. If I go back to classifying as an anonymous user and dont sign in it allows me to see all the photos with no problem.

If I do get a photo I am fine unless I go to TALK, or a board or in any way move off the photo page. When I go back to classifying I get the spinning sun on the photo and I am locked out again. I have to sign out. This is so tedious it is not worth signing in. If this is happening to others then this is preventing people from being on Condor Watch to interact or asking questions I would think?

This is fine. But after reading the issues others are having there seems to be a real problem when people sign in here and actually have accounts on Condor Watch, with their accounts or the site itself. I do not see this in other areas. It is incredibly slow to load here, also.

I did not have any of these problems in January as I looked everywhere to submit photos for the photo contest for 2014. I am on Chrome and Windows 7. This also happens on a Win8 Laptop with chrome. It is not my cache, it is not my computer.

I hope I am not speaking out of line if I say that if Zooniverse's updates are continually causing malfunctions and impeding the abilities of areas then Zooniverse might rethink how they do their updates? All the energies and time seem to go into a few areas while others pay the price. thank you