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Many users are getting blank screens with Condor Watch #90

Open DarrenMcRoy opened 9 years ago

DarrenMcRoy commented 9 years ago

The complete report from wreness:

I uploaded 2 movies to my Drive Thing for you to download or look at showing issues with Condor Watch and the Blank screen.

One is from Bree (Bree Errors.MP.4) who can do everything OK but gets the tutorial twice when she signs on. It's not "the" tutorial but after she does "the" tutorial she'll get the same screens on another photo (strangely of Black32 3-dots again) which walks her though the tutorial. Nothing is registering on the console so it's as if this isn't even happening. She just saw a ton of errors flying by on the console and didn't know if it meant anything, and every time she's on CW she sees a "ton of errors"

She previously couldn't access any photos and would get the grey, spinning screen but kept trying. She said it started working when she signed while she was in the middle of classifying a photo.

The other movie is from Chenet (Chenet.MP4) who shows that he got the spinning grey screen. This is the first time he was on CW but has been on other projects on Zoo before. He then did what Bree did and signed in while classifying. He then started getting photos. The movie shows this.

Neither of them use AdBlock or any program. Bree said she uses Ghostery but has Condor Watch whitelisted.

The movie G. Haldursson took was horrible, so I removed that from the mix. I asked two others to make movies but haven't heard back.

I sent you a link to have access to the Drive files/Condor folder but it's at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ByeAVxQxJyNyc1cyMEJwSUlIMEE

Not sure if you need me to copy a log file as I asked them to pull up their consoles while they navigated around.

It seems to be a Chrome issue. The one guy who said he was having the problem on WindowsRT...well. RT is a mess unto itself but it's interesting it only again happens to him on CW.