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Notes from Nature Landing
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Add Team information to About page #157

Closed denslowm closed 7 years ago

denslowm commented 7 years ago

We should add something similar to this to the About page.


Let's revisit after WeDigBio

robgur commented 7 years ago

Given the bump in traffic expected, why not before? We could chat with Rafe about it...

On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 8:40 AM, Michael Denslow notifications@github.com wrote:

We should add something similar to this to the About page.


Let's revisit after WeDigBio

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denslowm commented 7 years ago

Absolutely (was assuming that Rafe had his plate full)

denslowm commented 7 years ago

Let's revive this issue. I propose the following.

  1. Make the current About page have tabs
  2. Keep the current content and add it to a tab called "Project Information" 3a. Add tab called "The Team" modeled after https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/mapping-change/about/team 3b. Add team content

University of Florida Rob Guralnick Associate Curator of Biodiversity Informatics Department of Natural History and the Florida Museum of Natural History

Rafael LaFrance Developer Department of Natural History and the Florida Museum of Natural History

Julie Allen Post Doctoral Associate Department of Natural History and the Florida Museum of Natural History

Michael Denslow Project Coordinator Department of Natural History and the Florida Museum of Natural History

Florida State University Austin Mast Professor Department of Biological Sciences

Greg Riccardi Director Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication

Robert Bruhn Developer Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication

Libby Elwood Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Biological Sciences

Zooniverse/Adler @mcbouslog can you tell us what you want here? You and Laura? Neither?

  1. Add "The Team" panel with the main projects team user names.
mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

Thank you for including us! I think a Zooniverse section similar to Mapping Change? My display name is Mark Bouslog, title Developer, and Adler Planetarium could be included similarly to how institutes are noted above, but I'll defer to @trouille's preferences/suggestions.

robgur commented 7 years ago

Yeah, exactly, Mark. But since we are helping to promote communities through Notes from Nature, I do want to extend our About a bit more, and try to get expedition provider handles out as much as we can. Still working on how to do that as effectively as possible, but our volunteers really want this and I think its important, too.

On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

Thank you for including us! I think a Zooniverse section similar to Mapping Change? My display name is Mark Bouslog, title Developer, and Adler Planetarium could be included similarly to how institutes are noted above, but I'll defer to @trouille https://github.com/trouille's preferences/suggestions.

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

I did the following very quickly in our NfN staging project's Project Builder, About section (check out the Research and Team tabs): https://master.pfe-preview.zooniverse.org/projects/rafe-dot-lafrance/notes-from-nature-on-staging/about/research

The image spacing and general styling could use a little more work that I think is doable within this input method (Markdown), and presuming so, would this suffice for most of what we're looking for?

If so, we could add this to the official NfN project's Project Builder, About section, then link to it from the landing page. This would be preferable than a static page Rafe, I or whoever would update manually, as with going through the Project Builder anyone with Project Builder access could jump in and edit in real-time (no waiting for me to deploy).

denslowm commented 7 years ago

This looks great! Rafe -- Here are the edits to the about text: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14e9A-k1IEyljiR3mjaAR3sVMsKIBgn8hqVn0b5CE1EA/edit?usp=sharing

rafelafrance commented 7 years ago

Edits made.

trouille commented 7 years ago

To answer the question above about the Team page -- yes, 100% OK to have a Zooniverse section with Mark in it, as in https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/mapping-change/about/team. Would prefer not to include me -- nothing against NfN of course! Just if I get added here, I'd need to be added on a few more sites, which I'd prefer not to do.

mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

noting for my personal ToDos:

mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

@denslowm, @robgur and @rafelafrance - https://master.pfe-preview.zooniverse.org/projects/rafe-dot-lafrance/notes-from-nature-on-staging/about/research, I've updated the layout a bit, and can position an image next to a single paragraph, but can't position an image next to multiple paragraphs. The result is that if the image of researchers is widened (Rafe or anyone that wants to play around with - it's the =1000x in the markdown with the image url), there's a big space between the first and second paragraph text.

There are options, like we could include more text in the first paragraph, keep the image on the small size and throw another image somewhere for more visuals, or other options I'm sure?

I still think the About pages (Research, Team, etc.) through the Project Builder is the route to go, we can tweak things like layout or other aspects easily. Let me know what you think!

denslowm commented 7 years ago

All, Note that we have the new text here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14e9A-k1IEyljiR3mjaAR3sVMsKIBgn8hqVn0b5CE1EA/edit We were actually thinking of using both the images in that document. Isn't that right @robgur?

I am not sure what the best layout would be given what Mark has said above. We could add a third image and present that all center justified between the first and second paragraph?

mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

updated the text content in the staging project

robgur commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, its looking great, but on the Team pages, we should include Zooniverse account info for Michael and myself on the sidebar page, right? My zooniverse handle is @robgur. Otherwise, looking GREAT, except for this text "For now, the first step is to contact the Notes from Nature project manager, Michael Denslow (NFN gmail address)" Michael, we should figure out how to get an NFN account for mail... right?


On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

updated the text content in the staging project

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

Sorry should have mentioned - the side bar of team members for the testing project we're demoing this from doesn't have Rob, Michael or most of the team, but from the actual project it will list everyone in the Project Builder, Collaborators section.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016, 7:57 AM Rob notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey guys, its looking great, but on the Team pages, we should include Zooniverse account info for Michael and myself on the sidebar page, right? My zooniverse handle is @robgur. Otherwise, looking GREAT, except for this text "For now, the first step is to contact the Notes from Nature project manager, Michael Denslow (NFN gmail address)" Michael, we should figure out how to get an NFN account for mail... right?


On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

updated the text content in the staging project

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-- Mark C. Bouslog Developer Zooniverse.org / Adler Planetarium

robgur commented 7 years ago

Oh that is SO cool! :) We are asking our new providers to give us their handles, but it sounds like they should maybe be registered in project builder somehow? Can they be associated with different expeditions?

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 9:03 AM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

Sorry should have mentioned - the side bar of team members for the testing project we're demoing this from doesn't have Rob, Michael or most of the team, but from the actual project it will list everyone in the Project Builder, Collaborators section.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016, 7:57 AM Rob notifications@github.com wrote:

Hey guys, its looking great, but on the Team pages, we should include Zooniverse account info for Michael and myself on the sidebar page, right? My zooniverse handle is @robgur. Otherwise, looking GREAT, except for this text "For now, the first step is to contact the Notes from Nature project manager, Michael Denslow (NFN gmail address)" Michael, we should figure out how to get an NFN account for mail... right?


On Wed, Dec 7, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

updated the text content in the staging project

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-- Mark C. Bouslog Developer Zooniverse.org / Adler Planetarium

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

That's a good question, and I'm not sure what the best route is. Zooniverse users can be added to a Project as a Collaborator (would have full access to Project Builder), Expert, Researcher (will be marked as such on Talk, but no Project Builder access), Moderator, and Tester. I'm thinking new provider users could be added as Researchers, which would then automatically add them to the sidebar on the Team page, but I'm not sure if they should have full Project Builder access (Collaborator role)? Something good to discuss maybe during our next call.

denslowm commented 7 years ago
  1. Here is the email address to use notesfromnature.pm@gmail.com

  2. I was thinking that we might create a page I can edit or just make a pinned post in the forum. I think the second option might be easiest/best. The lists would need to include the name of the expedition and the point person's user name. It would be pretty dynamic since we would want to add the information for each new expedition and when an expedition is completed.

mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

I updated the text with the proper email.

Those are great ideas as well Michael. There are Results, Education and FAQ pages as additional About page options that you (or anyone with Project Builder access) can update, though I'm not sure any of those titles really match well, maybe Education? The nice thing about editing the content through the Project Builder is you can try it, see how it looks and what people think, then easily remove/edit.

Is https://master.pfe-preview.zooniverse.org/projects/rafe-dot-lafrance/notes-from-nature-on-staging/about/research ready to go to the official NfN project, and should we update the landing page link accordingly? No rush, just checking.

rafelafrance commented 7 years ago

This looks good to me.

robgur commented 7 years ago

Good to me, too. Lets see what Michael says.

On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 12:37 PM, rafe notifications@github.com wrote:

This looks good to me.

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denslowm commented 7 years ago

Thanks Mark. Two last edits, I think. Can you add myself (md68135) and Rob (robgur) to The Team section on The Team page?

mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

here's the Research page on the production NfN project: https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/notes-from-nature/about/research.

the Team page sidebar with list of users is populated based on everyone and anyone linked to the project; collaborators, researchers, testers, etc. this might highlight people who could be removed?

also for Team sidebar - you can change how your username is displayed by going to your user settings, then editing display name.

we've haven't updated the NfN landing page About nav-link to go here yet, so these pages (about/research and about/team) are only accessible via url at the moment.

sorry for multiple requests for approval, but @robgur and @denslowm - with your final ok we'll update the landing page About nav-link to go to the Research page?

robgur commented 7 years ago

Mark, I have a favor to ask. I think Research page would be better without the text about "how to become a provider" content, which could move to another tab entitled "For Providers".

Just to be clear, its the section entitled " Do you have biodiversity transcription project? How can you make your own Notes from Nature project? " that I think could move to its own tab.

Does that make sense?

Best, Rob

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:04 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

here's the Research page on the production NfN project: https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/notes- from-nature/about/research.

the Team https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/notes-from-nature/about/team page sidebar with list of users is populated based on everyone and anyone linked to the project; collaborators, researchers, testers, etc. this might highlight people who could be removed?

we've haven't updated the NfN landing page About nav-link to go here yet, so these pages (about/research and about/team) are only accessible via url at the moment.

sorry for multiple requests for approval, but @robgur https://github.com/robgur and @denslowm https://github.com/denslowm - with your final ok we'll update the landing page About nav-link to go to the Research https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/notes-from-nature/about/research page?

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

That does indeed make sense, though unfortunately at the moment our only page options through the Project Builder, About section are Research, Team, Results, Education and FAQ.

However, and though it's currently on the back-burner, there is an issue somewhere where we've considered allowing the creation of custom titled pages in the Project Builder.

robgur commented 7 years ago

We can launch for now the way it is, then. Lets maybe see about what is possible for custom pages down the road?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

That does indeed make sense, though unfortunately at the moment our only page options through the Project Builder, About section are Research, Team, Results, Education and FAQ.

However, and though it's currently on the back-burner, there is an issue somewhere where we've considered allowing the creation of custom titled pages in the Project Builder.

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robgur commented 7 years ago

Or maybe that all goes in FAQ? We want people to find the content, right?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Robert Guralnick robgur@gmail.com wrote:

We can launch for now the way it is, then. Lets maybe see about what is possible for custom pages down the road?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

That does indeed make sense, though unfortunately at the moment our only page options through the Project Builder, About section are Research, Team, Results, Education and FAQ.

However, and though it's currently on the back-burner, there is an issue somewhere where we've considered allowing the creation of custom titled pages in the Project Builder.

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

I could see the how to join section in FAQ, that makes sense too. It's easy to change at this point, copying and pasting. Let's see what Michael thinks?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016, 4:25 PM Rob notifications@github.com wrote:

Or maybe that all goes in FAQ? We want people to find the content, right?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Robert Guralnick robgur@gmail.com wrote:

We can launch for now the way it is, then. Lets maybe see about what is possible for custom pages down the road?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

That does indeed make sense, though unfortunately at the moment our only page options through the Project Builder, About section are Research, Team, Results, Education and FAQ.

However, and though it's currently on the back-burner, there is an issue somewhere where we've considered allowing the creation of custom titled pages in the Project Builder.

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-- Mark C. Bouslog Developer Zooniverse.org / Adler Planetarium

robgur commented 7 years ago


On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Mark Bouslog notifications@github.com wrote:

I could see the how to join section in FAQ, that makes sense too. It's easy to change at this point, copying and pasting. Let's see what Michael thinks?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016, 4:25 PM Rob notifications@github.com wrote:

Or maybe that all goes in FAQ? We want people to find the content, right?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:25 PM, Robert Guralnick robgur@gmail.com wrote:

We can launch for now the way it is, then. Lets maybe see about what is possible for custom pages down the road?

On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 4:19 PM, Mark Bouslog <notifications@github.com


That does indeed make sense, though unfortunately at the moment our only page options through the Project Builder, About section are Research, Team, Results, Education and FAQ.

However, and though it's currently on the back-burner, there is an issue somewhere where we've considered allowing the creation of custom titled pages in the Project Builder.

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-- Mark C. Bouslog Developer Zooniverse.org / Adler Planetarium

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mcbouslog commented 7 years ago

the how to join section looks good to me under FAQ (it's updated accordingly). final thoughts @denslowm?

denslowm commented 7 years ago

Good. Thanks.

robgur commented 7 years ago

Lets do it!?

On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 4:24 PM, Michael Denslow notifications@github.com wrote:

Good. Thanks.

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