zooniverse / penguinwatch

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unable to click on more than one penguin #85

Closed yshish closed 7 years ago

yshish commented 8 years ago

There is a volunteer brooks222 who's unable to click on more than one penguin within the last week. Once they click, the image enlarges and won't accept any more clicks.

W're trying to figure out more details about the devices/OS/browser.

The report is here: http://talk.penguinwatch.org/#/boards/BPZ0000001/discussions/DPZ00001w5?page=12&comment_id=56e99385325db02c360000a3

yshish commented 8 years ago

Oh, and there's another volunteer jennfurr who's been having troubles with the classification the last two days. When they're accessing from the phone (Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini - Android), they can't tag anything any more. They can click on the buttons that say "yes there are penguins" and "finished marking", but when they try to mark on something, it zooms the entire picture instead of just the crosshairs, and then refuses to let them check any more. It won't zoom out.

using Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini - Android

camallen commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce the more than one penguin issue and I'm pretty sure it's not related to other problems this week.

Re the mobile, we never designed PW to work across all mobile devices, it could be a multitude of issues but most likely due to view port size (it is a mini). I've just tested on chrome on a Samsung Galaxy S3 and it worked ok. Best to advise to use a different browser / device in this instance.

yshish commented 8 years ago

OK, I understand the problem with mobile devices, just wanted to let you know the problem was reported.

Actually, there is another volunteer Hatschi reporting problems with the classification using Firefox/Win 8.1 on a laptop. Here is the report:

I am having troubles with Firefox. Ate the cookies and emptied Cache but won't work. I can start classifying but with the first mark I zoom into the picture and can't mark anymore. Both loggin in and out. Just tried with IE too and had no problem at all. I'm on a Laptop with Windows 8.1, nothing Special. I've never had problems here with FF before. I am not what you would call Computer savvy ahem

Shall I open a new issue for this one or?

yshish commented 8 years ago

More reports appeared in the meantime:

by user bienle123

I have a laptop and I work with Linux, Ubuntu. I just wonder why there is suddenly such a problem... There has never before been any problem

by user emf05

with the new automatic magnifiyer feature it is no longer possible to mark all penguins (if they are near the margins of the picture)

Trying to figure out more details about these two.. will let you know.

camallen commented 8 years ago

@eatyourgreens any chance the footer fixes have caused some issues?

@yshish we haven't actively developed on this project for a while and new issues are most likely user / browser specific. Can you ask them to try in a different browser and to try incongnito mode / disable all extensions.

eatyourgreens commented 8 years ago

I can reproduce this in Firefox by going to Talk then returning to the Classify page. @brian-c's magnifier tool replaces the subject image with a larger version that fills the screen and can't be clicked. I'm not sure why it isn't being cropped to within the circular cross-hairs.

Only seems to happen in Firefox, not Chrome. I'm afraid I won't have any time to look at this until Monday at the earliest.

yshish commented 8 years ago

@eatyourgreens Thanks for looking at this!

@camallen I will ask them. Thanks!

brian-c commented 8 years ago

The cause of the broken UI is that the can't find its element (by ID), which probably means there's something going wrong with path resolution:

Looks like loading http://www.penguinwatch.org/ breaks the UI (after redirecting to https). Even reloading doesn't help. document.baseURI comes resolves to "https://www.penguinwatch.org/#/classify", which is wrong (it shouldn't include the hash).

Loading https://www.penguinwatch.org/ directly works fine. document.baseURI is "https://www.penguinwatch.org/", which is correct.

I found this to be true both clicking links and typing the full URL in the location bar.

Is it possible there's something weird going on in the redirect?

I'll look for a quick fix on the front end when I get a few minutes. I'm thinking something like <script>document.write('<base href="' + location.origin + location.pathname + '" />');</script>? Really gross, but I think this needs to be set before any images load.

eatyourgreens commented 8 years ago

Thanks for looking at this @brian-c Orchid Observers uses the same magnifier tool. I'm on my phone at the moment but I'll check that in Firefox later to see if it has the same bug.

brian-c commented 8 years ago

@eatyourgreens Yep, same behavior.

yshish commented 8 years ago

by Hatschi March 20 2016

"Hooray!! Marking in FF is working again! A big thank you to zooniverse IT :-D "

camallen commented 8 years ago

Looks like there are no commits....did anyone fix this?

eatyourgreens commented 8 years ago

Firefox has just updated from v44 to v45 and I can't reproduce this any more, so maybe it was an FF bug that's fixed in the latest release.

camallen commented 8 years ago

ah - makes sense.

yshish commented 8 years ago


Here are reports from some volunteers posted today:

by jennfurr

thanks. I couldn't get it to work in chrome.. the crosshairs were offset by many penguin - widths, so it just didn't work. but doing incognito mode in Firefox worked. no more weird full - screen agnification, though, the bug with the problem with the crosshair on the edge of the screen still exist. I'm getting some weird screen behavior but nothing that can't be ignored.

by Noelthecyclist

I've been having the same magnifier problem as well. However, I've just updated to the latest version of Firefox for Mac (45.0.1) and the problem has gone!