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The Talk doesn't load any posts/discussions.. not only PP #88

Closed yshish closed 8 years ago

yshish commented 9 years ago

Hey, this is what the Talk looks like (the same for the PW and probably other projects using this Talk)

DarrenMcRoy commented 9 years ago

... It looks fine to me?

yshish commented 9 years ago

Is this helpful anyhow?


yshish commented 9 years ago

I tried what a user profile will look like, the page displayed blank, check the console: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ElRkg0UPxYA/VaeVwCgNsII/AAAAAAAAIJA/v5WPOGmDSNE/s912-Ic42/ysh_2015-07-16_13-26.jpg

After reloading the page displayed blank again and the console wrote these errors: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-58aE37rEuUI/VaeV3_r4_bI/AAAAAAAAIJI/8r7cqu3PJJc/s0-Ic42/ysh_2015-07-16_13-27.jpg

Hope it helps..

yshish commented 9 years ago

The classification works. After clicking on the Discuss button I can get to the Image page which loads properly. From there I can get to the Talk page and display the recent image comments with the thumbnails and the Discussions below and the most popular hash tags but the Featured discussion (on the left side) don't load at all. Reloading the page displays the same as before.

When I open the Talk in the new tab, it's without posts again.

yshish commented 9 years ago

The problem is happening to me again, I haven't been able to load Talks on Plankton, Chimps, Penguins, Condors, Forests..today. I was trying a couple of hours ago and now again. Never mind whether I was signed out or signed in. Sometimes only the top menu appears and the rest of the page is blank; sometimes, it displays the headlines and list of the Featured discussions on the left side only.

Would some screenshots help you? It reports some errors in the console..

yshish commented 9 years ago

wow, it has started working!

yshish commented 9 years ago

OK, it doesn't work each time I try it. And even if it loads, I'm unable to load older recent posts on the Talk but the last 12, so I can't reply all the questions from yesterday.

yshish commented 9 years ago

This is one of the errors it reports:

_Security wrapper denied access to property gaUserPrefs on privileged Javascript object. Support for exposing privileged objects to untrusted content via exposedProps is being gradually removed - use WebIDL bindings or Components.utils.cloneInto instead. Note that only the first denied property access from a given global object will be reported.


yshish commented 9 years ago

Error screen shot:


yshish commented 9 years ago

This one I made when the last 12 recent posts loaded but the it wasn't possible to load the older ones:


yshish commented 9 years ago

Sometimes, my collections don't load when I want to add an image (doesn't matter whether I've just classified it or entered it from the Talk).

chrissnyder commented 8 years ago

A number of people reported problems with projects over the weekend, so I'm leaning on this being a symptom of a flaky API. I'll check what might have been going on and post back.

yshish commented 8 years ago

It seems to be working without any problems now.

chrislintott commented 8 years ago

Closing for now, @chrissnyder.