zooniverse / scribeAPI

scribe API
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Multi-page mark workflow #578

Open pleonard212 opened 8 years ago

pleonard212 commented 8 years ago

In a multi-page document context, is there any way to allow a mark workflow to work across multiple pages in a document? In essence, this would be treating multi-page documents as singular primary subjects.

We have a use case (theatrical programs) where the relevant info (play title, actors, production dates, etc) is spread across multiple pages in unpredictable ways. Once you enter the mark workflow, page travel is disallowed.

Unlike the postcard example, transcribing our marks without reference to the other pages is OK -- it's mainly the marking that has to allow free travel across all pages in a document.

Apologies if I'm missing a simple flag to enable this...

saschaishikawa commented 8 years ago

The short answer is no. However, you'd still be able to collect the data you need by creating a subject_set for each theatrical program (https://github.com/zooniverse/scribeAPI/wiki/Project-Subjects#subjectsets). The limitation would just be that each page needs to be marked/transcribed separately (or sequentially). From a data point of view, once volunteers have finished the work, you could search for children of a particular subject_set and collect the relevant info across any number of pages.