Closed AugustT closed 7 years ago
I've been working on this and I don't think that I need to reverse the order of covariate and occurrence modules after all. I'm still looking at it but I think I changed tack during the re-write and all of the co-ordinate changing steps are in extract and combine (not in run occurrence module as I had originally planned). This separation should mean the order of occ and cov is irrelevant... I'm checking it out. This is relevant here as it means I dont need to change much (if anything) in re-run and change workflow
Yeah, this is a none issue. This works:
w1 <- workflow(occurrence = NaiveRandomPresence,
covariate = NaiveRandomRaster,
process = Background,
model = LogisticRegression,
output = PrintMap)
w2 <- ChangeWorkflow(workflow = w1,
occurrence = NaiveRandomPresence(projection = '+proj=tmerc +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-2 +k=0.9996012717 +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +ellps=airy +datum=OSGB36 +units=m +no_defs',
extent = c(0, 300000, 0, 300000)))
@goldingn please ignore my comment about this in the manuscript
There is another issue here about the re-running of covariates though, I'll create a new issue for that
These have fallen behind the developments made in the main workflow function. This is my fault but it does mean that major issues will arise with the use of these functions.