zooppa / administrate-field-simple_markdown

✍️ A plugin to edit Markdown text in Administrate
MIT License
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Javascript/CSS doesn't load? #7

Closed sedubois closed 4 years ago

sedubois commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for making this plugin. I've given it a quick try by adding the gem to my gemfile and putting about: Field::SimpleMarkdown in my resource's ATTRIBUTE_TYPES. However the Javascript/CSS doesn't seem to load: when loading the edit view, the textarea doesn't display any markdown buttons and the text is plain.

Screenshot 2020-02-19 at 13 53 34

NB: Looking at the page source, the textarea's parent div has class="field-unit__field simple_markdown" which I guess is a good sign. I am using Rails, administrate 0.12.0, administrate-field-simple_markdown 0.2.1.

What should I do to ensure the Javascript/CSS get loaded?

I guess that it should be possible to instead use Rails' ActionText feature but I haven't gotten to that yet and wanted to try this in the interim.

michelegera commented 4 years ago

Hey @sedubois, thanks for the feedback!

I just scaffolded a project with the same dependencies as the ones you listed, and everything is working fine for me.

Please make sure that you are including both Administrate’s and the plugin assets in your app/assets/config/manifest.js file, like this:

//= link administrate/application.css
//= link administrate/application.js
//= link administrate-field-simple_markdown/application.css
//= link administrate-field-simple_markdown/application.js

Let me know if this fixes it for you.

sedubois commented 4 years ago

Thanks @michelegera, aren't these files supposed to be autoloaded by the Administrate::Field::SimpleMarkdown::Engine declaration?

      class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
        Administrate::Engine.add_javascript 'administrate-field-simple_markdown/application'
        Administrate::Engine.add_stylesheet 'administrate-field-simple_markdown/application'

Also I don't yet have app/assets/config/manifest.js because I'm still running on sprockets 3.7.2.

And anyway I checked the source code and simplemde.min.js and simplemde.min.css are correctly referenced.

But I found what the issue is, it's because my model is namespaced (Course::Translation coming from Globalize) and SimpleMarkdown is looking for a textarea with ID course/translation_about instead of course_translation_about.

Here was the generated code:

  $(function() {
    new SimpleMDE({
      element: document.getElementById('course/translation_about')

By changing f.object.class.name.underscore to f.object.class.name.parameterize.underscore in views/fields/simple_markdown/_form.html.erb, the issue seems fixed (Course::Translation.name.parameterize.underscore --> "course_translation").

michelegera commented 4 years ago

Aren't these files supposed to be autoloaded by the Administrate::Field::SimpleMarkdown::Engine declaration?

      class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
        Administrate::Engine.add_javascript 'administrate-field-simple_markdown/application'
        Administrate::Engine.add_stylesheet 'administrate-field-simple_markdown/application'

You’re correct, for some reason the skeleton application I was testing this on required those two lines as well.

But I found what the issue is, it's because my model is namespaced (Course::Translation coming from Globalize) and SimpleMarkdown is looking for a textarea with ID course/translation_about instead of course_translation_about. By changing f.object.class.name.underscore to f.object.class.name.parameterize.underscore in views/fields/simple_markdown/_form.html.erb, the issue seems fixed (Course::Translation.name.parameterize.underscore --> "course_translation").

Ah, good catch! Makes sense, and thanks for opening a PR. I’ll check it out in a minute and release a new version of the gem with your fix.