zopanix / docker_casperjs

CasperJS in a docker container.
MIT License
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5 second pause when running #1

Closed rippo closed 7 years ago

rippo commented 7 years ago

thanks for this image it works great, however I am finding that there is delay of 5 or so secs to call casper.start

If I run locally on my dev box

casperjs test ./tests/logged.out.js --baseUrl=http://test.com:62726

The script takes around 2secs

PASS 35 tests executed in 2.015s, 35 passed, 0 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped.

If I run this via docker

docker run -v d:/tests:/data zopanix/casperjs test logged.out.js --baseUrl=http://test.com:62726

It starts instantly and shows the following

Logged out pages
PASS Logged out pages (35 tests)

however there is now a pause for around 5 secs and then the tests run

PASS 35 tests executed in 7.376s, 35 passed, 0 failed, 0 dubious, 0 skipped.

Therefore something is delaying the call to casper.start by around 5 secs. Have you seen this behaviour and is there anything I can do to speed it up?

the first few lines of my casper script is

casper.test.begin('Logged out pages', 35, function (test) {
    casper.start(casper.cli.options.baseUrl + "", function () {
rippo commented 7 years ago

Have added a simple test script that shows this behaviour

casper.test.begin('Testing Google', 1, function () {

    casper.start("https://www.google.co.uk", function () {
        casper.test.assertTextExists("Google" );

    casper.run(function () {

run from command

casperjs test d:\_tmp\google.js

run using docker

docker run -v d:/_tmp:/data zopanix/casperjs test google.js

zopanix commented 7 years ago

Hey, sorry didn't see you comments. I don't do anything special to delay the scripts... It could be that the is some init done while running it in docker and that is already done on your machine during boot.

rippo commented 7 years ago

No worries, I assume you see this behaviour as well

zopanix commented 7 years ago

Weel not really. The script I launched with campers were taking about 10min so I didn't see the 5sec delay. I am going to close this issue since there is not much to do.