zopefoundation / Products.PluggableAuthService

Pluggable Zope authentication / authorization framework
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CSRF defense breaks with some session implementations #28

Closed dataflake closed 5 years ago

dataflake commented 5 years ago

In utils.CSRFToken the existence of a valid session in the request is tested with a simple truth test if not session:

def getCSRFToken(request):
    session = getattr(request, 'SESSION', None)
    if not session:
        # Can happen in tests.
        return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(20))
    token = session.get('_csrft_', None)
    if token is None:
        token = session['_csrft_'] = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(20))
    return token

This fails with session implementations that are "not True" when they are empty. The unfortunate result is that most ZMI interaction with the various plugins breaks. Case in point is the MemCache-based implementation in the old Products.mcdutils.

I'll prepare a PR.