zopefoundation / Products.ZSQLMethods

SQL method support for Zope.
3 stars 14 forks source link

Not working in Zope 4 master branch. #9

Closed garrysadd closed 5 years ago

garrysadd commented 6 years ago

I get this when trying to add a method in ZMI:

Resource not found

Sorry, the requested resource does not exist. Check the URL and try again.

Resource: manage_manage_addZSQLMethod POST

tseaver commented 6 years ago

@garrysadd Can you please post the URL path of the form which triggers this error?

Also, can you post the output of pip freeze?

garrysadd commented 6 years ago

URL:http://localhost:8080/manage_manage_addZSQLMethod Pip Freeze:

AccessControl==4.0b4 Acquisition==4.4.4 AuthEncoding==4.0.0 beautifulsoup4==4.6.3 BTrees==4.5.0 Chameleon==3.2 DateTime==4.2 DocumentTemplate==3.0b3 ExtensionClass==4.3.0 five.globalrequest==99.1 five.localsitemanager==3.1 funcsigs==1.0.2 futures==3.2.0 ipaddress==1.0.22 Missing==4.0.1 mock==2.0.0 MultiMapping==4.0 PasteDeploy==1.5.2 pbr==4.0.3 Persistence==3.0b3 persistent== Products.BTreeFolder2==4.0.0 Products.PythonScripts==4.1 Products.ZCatalog==4.1 Products.ZCTextIndex==4.0.2 Products.ZSQLMethods==3.0.3 psycopg2==2.7.5 python-gettext==3.0 pytz==2018.4 Record==3.4 RestrictedPython==4.0b4 six==1.11.0 SQLAlchemy==1.2.11 transaction==2.2.1 trollius==2.2 waitress==1.1.0 WebOb==1.8.1 WebTest==2.0.29 WSGIProxy2==0.4.4 z3c.pt==3.1.0 z3c.sqlalchemy==1.4.0 zc.lockfile==1.3.0 ZConfig==3.2.0 zdaemon==4.2.0 ZEO==5.2.0 zExceptions==4.0 ZODB==5.4.0 zodbpickle==1.0.1 -e git+https://github.com/zopefoundation/Zope.git@c9002f06a5a94841d2cbf6b51d366d3b7f633297#egg=Zope zope.annotation==4.6.0 zope.browser==2.2.0 zope.browsermenu==4.3.0 zope.browserpage==4.2.0 zope.browserresource==4.2.1 zope.cachedescriptors==4.3.1 zope.component==4.4.1 zope.componentvocabulary==2.1.0 zope.configuration==4.1.0 zope.container==4.2.1 zope.contentprovider==4.1.0 zope.contenttype==4.3.0 zope.datetime==4.2.0 zope.deferredimport==4.2.1 zope.deprecation==4.3.0 zope.dottedname==4.2 zope.event==4.3.0 zope.exceptions==4.2.0 zope.filerepresentation==4.2.0 zope.formlib==4.4 zope.globalrequest==1.4 zope.i18n==4.3.1 zope.i18nmessageid==4.1.0 zope.interface==4.5.0 zope.lifecycleevent==4.2.0 zope.location==4.1.0 zope.pagetemplate==4.3.0 zope.processlifetime==2.2.0 zope.proxy==4.3.0 zope.ptresource==4.1.0 zope.publisher==4.3.2 zope.ramcache==2.2.0 zope.schema==4.5.0 zope.security==4.2.2 zope.sendmail==4.1.0 zope.sequencesort==4.0.1 zope.site==4.1.0 zope.size==4.2.0 zope.sqlalchemy==1.0 zope.structuredtext==4.2.0 zope.tal==4.3.1 zope.tales==4.2.0 zope.testbrowser==5.2.4 zope.testing==4.6.2 zope.testrunner==4.8.1 zope.traversing==4.2.0 zope.viewlet==4.1.0 Zope2==4.0b1 ZServer==4.0b1

tseaver commented 6 years ago

Is that URL the one in your browser's URL bar before you push the form's button, or after? I need to know the "before".

garrysadd commented 6 years ago

It is the URL of the form submit to add a method during inspecting the source of the form.

tseaver commented 6 years ago

I want to know the URL path of the page which contains the form, in order to diagnose how the malformed action was generated.

garrysadd commented 6 years ago

I'm in the ZMI and clicking add ZSQLmethod from the add select box. The URL from that appears to be manage_addProduct/ZSQLMethods/add The URL in browser is localhost:8080/manage_main

Am I getting this mixed up?

sallner commented 5 years ago

This problem is actually rooted in Zope-ZMI, so we use the ticket there. The JS does not handle the splitting of actions correctly if the action name occurs more than once in the URL.