zopefoundation / zope.interface

Interfaces for Python
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Tidelift wants lifters for this package #137

Open icemac opened 5 years ago

icemac commented 5 years ago

See https://tidelift.com/lifter/search/pypi/zope.interface Income Estimate currently: $100.00/month

Any idea how to process this suggestion?

jamadden commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure how that would work for a group project like this. I looked into it just a bit for one of my projects, and they appear to want a specific individual to make the commitments they're looking for. They will personally email that individual and work with that individual to get things setup on their platform.

icemac commented 5 years ago

@polyester What does the Plone foundation think about Tidelift?

tseaver commented 5 years ago

Looks to me that they are asking for a couple of things beyond what the community already does:

jugmac00 commented 5 years ago

pytest just announced they are working together with tidelift https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/tidelift.html

And here is their discussion: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/pytest-dev/2019-May/004716.html

jaraco commented 5 years ago

I'm also a lifter and enthusiastic about the Tidelift mission. I support this idea.

polyester commented 5 years ago

@icemac we don't yet have an official policy on Tidelift. I did some searching, and for now it seems like it's only possible for them to pay out to a single individual, which might be a bit unfair and also in general does not reflect how the Zope and Plone communities work.

I did also reach out to the github Sponsor programme that was announced today, because they would also tie in with tidelift. They're at least contemplating the idea that money could go to a group or collective entity - I've asked to be on their advisory group for that.

Philosophically, I would most like for these kinds of sponsorships to go through the Plone Foundation and then be explicitly earmarked for sprint funding for the project they're under, so for Tidelift money for zope.interface to be spent on Zope sprints. Unless people feel it's fair to single out a single individual, but in almost all cases with our communities these things are collective efforts, and it would feel better to have the money go towards the common good.

(Sprint funding being just one thing, of course. Getting a bunch of T-shirts printed or similar can also be fun.)

tseaver commented 5 years ago

I'd agree that sprint funding would be the ideal for such a contribution: we clearly get more mileage from sprints than almost anything else we do.

jaraco commented 5 years ago

it's only possible for them to pay out to a single individual

It is possible (though maybe not widely publicized) to set up multiple recipients for a project (I know of at least one project that works this way).

jaroel commented 4 years ago

@polyester did you happen to have received anything on this topic from either Tidelift or GitHub? $50/month adds up quite quickly imho

icemac commented 1 year ago

Nowadays the estimated income even has increased up to $100.00/month.

jensens commented 1 year ago

It would be awesome if we manage to get the money to organize a sprint in some way. So it is still bound to a person?