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Provide consistent verbs to other package managers #435

Open MikeFultonDev opened 1 year ago

MikeFultonDev commented 1 year ago

I'd like to streamline the verbs we support to be consistent with other package managers. I'd also like to eliminate aliases - I don't see much value in them and they are a good opportunity for getting doc out of sync.

DNF has been brought up a few times. It has the following verbs that match close to what we have:

There is a 'search' but it is not the same as ours - it instead searches meta-data for keywords. There is no 'query' command (which like search, is an alias for list for us)

I propose we eliminate zopen install --upgrade since I see 'upgrade' as being different enough from 'install' to warrant it's own verb.

I am ok with either keeping zopen install --reinstall although consistency would seem a good reason to create a new verb 'reinstall'

I notice they have zopen list --upgrades instead of zopen list --upgradeable. I personally would be happy to switch, for consistency but probably more because I can never remember if upgradeable has one or two 'e's 😁

@IgorTodorovskiIBM @DevonianTeuchter @HarithaIBM and anyone else... arrows expected...

MikeFultonDev commented 1 year ago

Brew also has a list, and has a search that means to search metadata It has a 'cleanup' vs a 'clean' It has an 'update' (for brew itself) and an 'upgrade' It has a reinstall

So these 2 seem pretty consistent with one another.

MikeFultonDev commented 1 year ago

rpm uses 'query' instead of 'list' rpm has 'upgrade' and also a 'freshen' rpm has 'erase' instead of 'remove'

MikeFultonDev commented 1 year ago

apt has 'install', 'remove', 'upgrade'. It has 'search' and 'list --upgradeable' (I think I discovered where @DevonianTeuchter got his verbs from!)

v1gnesh commented 1 year ago

How about zopen self update for updating zopen (meta)? Makes it pretty clear compared to just zopen update or zopen update zopen/meta.

Update/upgrade, whichever :smiley:

DevonianTeuchter commented 1 year ago

tldr; more separate scripts :-)

The initial list of verbs was based on various package managers and installers and included aliases to cover users coming from most of those backgrounds [and ones I'd used!] such as dpkg/rpm/apt/dnf/yum/yast/emerge/zypper/brew/chocolatey/pacman/... - initially there were even more aliases to try and map most of those but slimmed the options down already! :-) There's a good resource at https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Pacman/Rosetta that compares a few package managers and their terminology/syntax

Aliases can work if the child script can determine how it was called so can display the appropriate help - however, for clarity, it might be that move more code into common.inc and separate items into their own modules that can be run standalone [ala #436 ] . zopen can still act as a thin wrapper to those modules much as it does today, passing the same arguments through the eval command as a caller of a zopen-* script would do.

With that being said, how about the following : Keep [these scripts perform a standalone task]: zopen-init - initial install script zopen-generate - generate a basic template for a new port zopen-alt - [could be zopen-alternatives but that's a lot of typing!?!] - used to switch versions zopen-build - build packages from source zopen-clean - clean resources zopen-remove - remove package (rpm uses erase, others use remove but remove seems sensible)

Separate zopen-install into install, reinstall & upgrade [moving main function into common.inc] with options like localinstall and download-only having an effect as appropriate zopen-install - handle installing new packages only zopen-upgrade - handle upgrades/updates to existing packages (currently zopen install -u - update is used in some cases, with upgrade being more akin to a system-upgrade) zopen-reinstall - reinstall existing packages (currently zopen install --reinstall which matches apt-get behaviour )

Seperate zopen-query into search, list & query [the funcitons are fairly separate as-is inside zopen-query] zopen-search - search repo(s) for package information zopen-list - list information about installed packages (zopen-query --list currently) zopen-query - perform finer grained queries against local packages (like --whatprovides, --provides etc)

?? zopen-version - should this just cat what's in meta's .version file instead of hardcoding in two places? or just be a getVersion() in common.inc rather than an external program/script? and does it need --help since it's callable? zopen-update-cacert - used to download certificates if needed.

Each individual script would then have it's own unique --help [discussion in #414 ] including zopen itself

Additional thoughts:

MikeFultonDev commented 1 year ago

I love it. For your last point about common.inc, can we just create an 'inc' directory and have the tools include inc/common.inc ?

These get us a lot closer to what the other systems have.

I didn't know we have a .version file - I'll change that to do a cat... Yes - one place for everything...

Do we still need zopen-update-cacert? I'm fine to add it but what's the use case? Does this become more of a 'helper function' for cURL and git users? I don't think we need it internally anymore right?

IgorTodorovskiIBM commented 1 year ago

I love it. For your last point about common.inc, can we just create an 'inc' directory and have the tools include inc/common.inc ?

We should also change the suffix to .sh. I get annoyed that vim doesn't do the syntax highlighting accurately with .inc.

DevonianTeuchter commented 1 year ago

We should also change the suffix to .sh. I get annoyed that vim doesn't do the syntax highlighting accurately with .inc.

^THIS^ I've added an extra rule in VSCode so that it sees common.inc as a shell script rather than a pl/I include file [and so shellcheck runs on it].

v1gnesh commented 1 year ago

Hey why not include/ or includes/ like the usual /usr/include/<whatever> ?

DevonianTeuchter commented 1 year ago

Hey why not include/ or includes/ like the usual /usr/include/<whatever> ?

other option might be /usr/local/libexec - git-core and man-db already host extra binaries in there, albeit symlinks to their binaries... See the FHS doc about this dir: https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_3.0/fhs/ch04s07.html