Open gngrossi opened 3 months ago
Is there an automated way to determine the packages for each of the altbin tools? I was hoping to use an "exclude" list of tools when sourcing zopen-config --override-zos-tools. This would seem simpler to use and allows granularity when having an issue with one tool within a package.
Thoughts? thanks
bash-5.2$ cd /hewitt/zopentools/zopen_repo/usr/local/altbin bash-5.2$ ls -1 basename cat chgrp chmod chown cmp comm cp csplit cut date dd df diff dirname du echo egrep env expand expr false fgrep find grep head id join ls make man mkfifo od sed sleep sort touch tr tty wc xargs
@IgorTodorovskiIBM Does $HOME/zopen.subset allow # comments in column 1?