To reproduce the problem:
1. create a file myvimrc as follows
> cat myvimrc
au FilterWritePre * if &diff | echo "____HELLO WORLD____"
2. vim -u myvimrc -d aaa.txt bbb.txt # aaa.txt bbb.txt do not need to exist
=> OR <=
In your own .vimrc, insert the command at 1 and 'vim -d aaa.txt bbb.txt'
When the autocommand(au) runs successfully, HELLO WORLD is found [refer to the screen cap]
But with zopen VIM, the output is not found
It seems the zopen VIM does not understand FilterWritePre. ( )
When the autocommand(au) runs successfully, HELLO WORLD is found [refer to the screen cap] But with zopen VIM, the output is not found