I'm trying to use your visibility-analysis plugin but get the above error every time.
I'm using Ubuntu 22.10, QGIS 3.28.1 and version 1.8 of your plugin.
I've download SRTM, and Jaxa DEMs and exported them to WGS84 UTM34S (EPSG:32734) but all of them return the same irregular pixel shape error when I try to create viewpoints.
The shapefile is in the same UTM projection as is the project.
Solved, QGIS export not actually re-projecting layer as it would seem, from geographic WGS84 you need to go to: Raster/Projections/Warp (Reproject)...
Then all good.
Hi Zoran
I'm trying to use your visibility-analysis plugin but get the above error every time. I'm using Ubuntu 22.10, QGIS 3.28.1 and version 1.8 of your plugin.
I've download SRTM, and Jaxa DEMs and exported them to WGS84 UTM34S (EPSG:32734) but all of them return the same irregular pixel shape error when I try to create viewpoints. The shapefile is in the same UTM projection as is the project.
Any ideas? Many thanks.