zorchenhimer / MovieNight

Single instance video streaming server with integrated chat.
MIT License
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Add Scrollback for joining users. #142

Open zorchenhimer opened 3 years ago

zorchenhimer commented 3 years ago

Add a scrollback with the last N messages in chat to send to joining users. The number of messages should be configurable.

zorglube commented 3 years ago

Yep, seems to be an good idea. Did you already though of a solution to keep the last N messages ?

CptPie commented 3 years ago

if i understand correctly a chat message is defined here: https://github.com/zorchenhimer/MovieNight/blob/9ba472bb5b26b8849b3fe44580f601a01cd8526a/common/chatdata.go#L86 Therefore it should be rather easy to implement a rolling stack with a fixed length to enable scrollback.

zorglube commented 3 years ago

I bet the 'bigest' problem isn't the stack but handling the new chat user and send just to him the stack content.

zorchenhimer commented 3 years ago

Nah, that should be pretty straight forward. A bunch of (hidden) messages are already sent to the client during the join process. Sending the scrollback would just happen after all that. I suppose it could be a new hidden message type so it could be formatted differently or something (eg, greyed out), but that's not exactly necessary.