zorchenhimer / MoviePolls

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Remove Movie entries after a set time period. #128

Open Flyken271 opened 2 years ago

Flyken271 commented 2 years ago

I just looked at how many movies are in the entry list and holy hell. We should remove movies according to their added date, as example, remove movies after 30 days.

Movies should still persist through cycles but just be removed after 30 days (30 days in reference to the date they were added)

zorchenhimer commented 2 years ago

This has actually been a planned feature since the start. The wording in the original documentation isn't as clear as it should be though.

I'll leave this issue open as a place to discuss implementation details.

Flyken271 commented 2 years ago

i think there should be an option that allows people to either choose "clear movies based on their added date" or "clear all movies after each cycle" or "keep all movies" or "clear all movies after a set period of time"

CptPie commented 2 years ago

Similar issue to #36 and #14 but yeah, we can keep this one as a discussion (meta) issue