zorchenhimer / MoviePolls

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Improve form error visiblity #136

Closed riddlew closed 1 year ago

riddlew commented 1 year ago

The errors for the Add Movies page require the user to hover each one to see what the error is and, from what I've seen, they are difficult to hover and do not work most of the time.

This will show all errors by default without the need to hover them, right below the field's title. I also added spacing to make the form titles easier to read.

Pictures for comparison: errors-before errors-after

CptPie commented 1 year ago

looking fine on a glance - did i see correctly that .HasError was made obsolete by this?

riddlew commented 1 year ago

I just checked and it seems that it is obsolete now like you said. I will go ahead and remove it.