zorchenhimer / MoviePolls

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Add rerun count #142

Open joeyak opened 2 years ago

joeyak commented 2 years ago

Add the ability to see rerun counts on the movie page

@CptPie if this is already a feature then just close this

CptPie commented 2 years ago

Rerun as in how often a movie has been watched already? If so that isn't a thing yet and will probably not be easy to implement without adjusting some database stuff.

Tbh i am not even sure how the backend would handle duplicate entires (or multiple cycles)

joeyak commented 2 years ago

I figured have the CycleWatchedId turn from an int into an []int OR add an ExtraCycleWatchedIds []int

CptPie commented 2 years ago

Hmm that could work, still would have to change the db a bit for that, but that would indeed be the easiest way i think