Different kinds of functions are sitting in the same file but dont make any sense being in the same file.
I propose a new structure that DECENTLY structures the whole project and groups functions by functionality rather than scope.
For example grouping all the handler functions into one file (or multiple files in a single folder/package) would be much better structure wise than spreading them among 3-4 different files named kinda randomly.
This will be hella lot of work and should be done if no PRs are to be expected but it is fucking necessary.
Different kinds of functions are sitting in the same file but dont make any sense being in the same file. I propose a new structure that DECENTLY structures the whole project and groups functions by functionality rather than scope. For example grouping all the
functions into one file (or multiple files in a single folder/package) would be much better structure wise than spreading them among 3-4 different files named kinda randomly.This will be hella lot of work and should be done if no PRs are to be expected but it is fucking necessary.