zordius / gulp-jsx-coverage

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Unknown Summary #34

Open anjana-sundaram opened 7 years ago

anjana-sundaram commented 7 years ago

I am getting unkown summary for any Mocha test script. I am not getting any report as well

=============================== Coverage summary =============================== Statements : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Branches : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Functions : Unknown% ( 0/0 ) Lines : Unknown% ( 0/0 )

anjana-sundaram commented 7 years ago

Found, related to this https://github.com/sindresorhus/gulp-mocha/issues/159

Downgrading gulp-mocha to 3.1.0 solves.

anjana-sundaram commented 7 years ago

But i am getting below error, but my coverage getting generated properly

coverage demo √ A sample coverage

2 passing (8ms)

=============================== Coverage summary =============================== Statements : 86.67% ( 13/15 ) Branches : 50% ( 2/4 ) Functions : 100% ( 4/4 ) Lines : 86.67% ( 13/15 )

[07:10:32] 'coverage' errored after 1.96 s [07:10:32] Error in plugin 'gulp-jsx-coverage' Message: lines coverage 86.67% is lower than threshold 90%!

zordius commented 7 years ago

ya you specify the coverage should over 90% but you only get 86.67% so it reports error. You may lower the threshold in your configuration.