zoriya / Kyoo

A portable and vast media library solution.
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Add helm charts #357

Open zoriya opened 3 months ago

zoriya commented 3 months ago

Feature description

Needed steps (to allow every service to scale):

bo0tzz commented 2 months ago

For the immich helm chart, I used the common-library chart from bjw-s as a base, which helped get a chart together much quicker.

joryirving commented 2 months ago

Something to consider with the helm chart, would be to be able to spawn transcoders as needed. Rather than 1 container doing all the transcoding, you could create 1 pod per transcode stream.

onedr0p commented 2 months ago

Rather than 1 container doing all the transcoding, you could create 1 pod per transcode stream.

That may require a Kubernetes operator or for the application to at least be Kubernetes aware and have proper Kubernetes RBAC setup for the app to create transcoding pods. It would be neat but might be outside the scope of this issue.

bo0tzz commented 2 months ago

I'm not particularly familiar with HorizontalPodAutoscalers or KEDA, but maybe if one of those was involved scaling could be done without many changes on Kyoo's side?

zoriya commented 2 months ago

I do want to support transcoder scaling and distributed transcodes. Not sure what is needed for that, I just finished reading the getting started of k8s x)

onedr0p commented 2 months ago

Feel free to reach out if you need any help, I joined your discord 😄

atmosx commented 2 months ago

Rather than 1 container doing all the transcoding, you could create 1 pod per transcode stream.

That may require a Kubernetes operator or for the application to at least be Kubernetes aware and have proper Kubernetes RBAC setup for the app to create transcoding pods. It would be neat but might be outside the scope of this issue.

For HPA an operator is not required. You can setup auto-scaling based on CPU/RAM metrics, which come out of the box with any modern k8s distribution. Auto-scaling on custom metrics (e.g. a combination of transcoding jobs + queue + ) is possible, but requires something like prometheus. Now, people running kubernetes at home (like myself) usually are familiar with this stack (I do this for a living) but I believe it's an overkill. Most home deployments will have a dedicated RPi4/5 or something another low end box running Kyoto (or any media server) with additional storage attached.

An operator handles way more than autoscaling (e.g. automated DB backups/restore, version upgrades, storage expansion, maintenance tasks, etc.)

MegaShinySnivy commented 2 weeks ago

I'd be willing to help test this chart and by extension Kyoo itself--I have enough users to put it through home/small event use (10ish users)

zoriya commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks! I started working on it on the feat/helm branch, but I was focused on something else, so It kinda stalled. An app-template based helm charts has been made by the folks in the home-assistant discord server.

I probably won't continue working on the helm chart soon, If someone wants to upstream the helm chart I'm open for it!