zorker / rothui

Just a bunch of stuff I wrote for World of Warcraft
MIT License
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OUF_Simple and layout dependency #38

Closed ggiovannelli closed 8 years ago

ggiovannelli commented 8 years ago

Hi Zork, should be possible to use also for OUF_Simple a dependency system like are rActionBar and rButtonTemplate for example ?

Now it depends statically by a template which name is only "oUF_SimpleConfig", but this prevents others to make more templates addons for the engine being the name statically written in OUF_Simple.toc

It should, IMHO, the layout that had to depend by the engine not the viceversa :) Or if you want you can throw an error message if the layout is not found like "Missing template layout, please download ones ... " :)

Thanks again for everything :)

zorker commented 8 years ago

I thought about that while writing it. I decided against it since oUF_Simple is not a framework but a template with a big config. I just needed a way to seperate the config from the core addon so people can update the core addon without interfering with their config.