this is not really a issue more a (feature) request. I am looking for a working animation function to create a rCompassCastbar like progress bar, but with a square like texture. rRingo does this but does not seems to work properly anymore. I was looking into weakauras but was not able to extract it for my purpose.
Will you update rRingo, implement it into rCompassCastbar or know where i can find what i am looking for?
Hi zorker,
this is not really a issue more a (feature) request. I am looking for a working animation function to create a rCompassCastbar like progress bar, but with a square like texture. rRingo does this but does not seems to work properly anymore. I was looking into weakauras but was not able to extract it for my purpose.
Will you update rRingo, implement it into rCompassCastbar or know where i can find what i am looking for?