zorn-v / nextcloud-social-login

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OIDC can not get identifier from provider #311

Closed inttny closed 2 years ago

inttny commented 2 years ago

I tyied to use OAuth2.0, but it shows the same error msg. Then I checked the issues, you memtioned to use OIDC instead of OAuth, I did it. Now I found serveral questions.

  1. Token url & Profile url. Once OAuth/ODIC fetched CODE from Auth url , the Auth url redirect to the redirect_url with CODE and state parameter.But after that OAuth/ODIC request Token url and Profile url without any parameter, we need to use the CODE parameter given by Auth url, if the Token&Profile url get no parameter, how can it know whose profile to get?

  2. After requested to Profile url, the plugin says: can not get identifier from provider The response is here image image

{ "errcode": 0, "errmsg": "ok", "userid": "zhangsan", "name": "zhangsan", "department": [1, 2], "order": [1, 2], "position": "engineer", "mobile": "13800000000", "gender": "1", "email": "zhangsan@gzdev.com", "is_leader_in_dept": [1, 0], "avatar": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/ajNVdqHZLLA3WJ6DSZUfiakYe37PKnQhBIeOQBO4czqrnZDS79FH5Wm5m4X69TBicnHFlhiafvDwklOpZeXYQQ2icg/0", "thumb_avatar": "http://wx.qlogo.cn/mmopen/ajNVdqHZLLA3WJ6DSZUfiakYe37PKnQhBIeOQBO4czqrnZDS79FH5Wm5m4X69TBicnHFlhiafvDwklOpZeXYQQ2icg/100", "telephone": "020-123456", "alias": "jackzhang", "address": "some where", "open_userid": "xxxxxx", "main_department": 1, "extattr": { "attrs": [ { "type": 0, "name": "attrtext", "text": { "value": "text" } }, { "type": 1, "name": "webname", "web": { "url": "http://www.test.com", "title": "title" } } ] }, "status": 1, "qr_code": "https://open.work.weixin.qq.com/wwopen/userQRCode?vcode=xxx", "external_position": "manager", "external_profile": { "external_corp_name": "shortname", "wechat_channels": { "nickname": "videoname", "status": 1 }, "external_attr": [{ "type": 0, "name": "textname", "text": { "value": "text" } }, { "type": 1, "name": "webname", "web": { "url": "http://www.test.com", "title": "title" } }, { "type": 2, "name": "testapp", "miniprogram": { "appid": "wx8bd80126147dFAKE", "pagepath": "/index", "title": "my miniprogram" } } ] } }

Any suggestion?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

You should configure your provider in "Custom OpenID Connect" settings section not in "Custom OAuth2" when using OIDC, and there no "Profile url"

inttny commented 2 years ago

the settings are here


zorn-v commented 2 years ago

What provider you use ? Is it supports OIDC ? Did you properly configure it ? AFAIR there is need "openid" in scope.

inttny commented 2 years ago

I wrote a proxy website to request the api, so I just use OIDC to access the proxy I written and return the results of remote OAuth provider. Any point shall I notice?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

id_token with sub field etc. Did you respect OIDC protocol in your proxy ?

inttny commented 2 years ago

yes and I can response to OIDC as any contents it wants, so any sugguestion?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

"sub" claim is present in response ? Did you check OIDC standard response/protocol ?

inttny commented 2 years ago

"sub" claim is present in response ? Did you check OIDC standard response/protocol ?

yes and I added sub claim, now it works. The other question, if the getuserinfo-URL query with no parameter, how can I know which user does it query for?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

The other question, if the getuserinfo-URL query with no parameter, how can I know which user does it query for?

Requests after auth has "Authorization" header with bearer token (JWT). It stored from "access_token" claim in auth request. Anyway, userinfo URL is optional and you may return all needed info in first id_token

inttny commented 2 years ago

I do find the "Authorization" header in userinfo URL, but still the same question, Token URL request with no parameter, so how can I get the CODE parameter returned from auth URL?

Now I just doing a test, I wrote a static value from Token URL, in fact I can't reture the right value I need from auth URL, please help me, thanks!

inttny commented 2 years ago

oh, the OIDC use post method in the Token URL, I found that. Now I fetched anything I want, it works really well now, but still I use UserInfo URL, I tried to response id_token=xxx&access_token=xxx&user={json} but the page says can not get identifier from provider, so I Changed to use userinfo URL to get user infomations.

Thanks anyway

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

I tried to response id_token=xxx&access_token=xxx&user={json}

You doing it wrong. Check this doc https://infosec.mozilla.org/guidelines/iam/openid_connect.html изображение I mean this id_token. It is JWT (https://jwt.io/). In payload of it you can send all needed info like name, picture, email etc.

You can check https://github.com/zorn-v/nextcloud-social-login/blob/master/lib/Provider/CustomOpenIDConnect.php for more info.

inttny commented 2 years ago

I tried, but I failed. I used


but the page always says can not get identifier, will you please show a absoulutely clear tips?

inttny commented 2 years ago

another question, I found that when I use OIDC to login nextcloud, it shows welcoome page everytime I opened any new page. When I change to use username/password to login, it works well, how can I solve the problem?


inttny commented 2 years ago

Please Mr. guru, any sugesstion to me?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but I have no idea what are you talking about.

inttny commented 2 years ago

Sorry, but I have no idea what are you talking about.

My fault Mr. president. When a new account first login the nextcloud, it shows a page below


Then we close the page, it will not appear again. But when I use ODIC instead of user/pwd to login nextcloud, the page shows all the way. I closed it and clicked another function, such as files, the page appeared again. I closed it and clicked contacts, the page appeared again...

Any sugesstion to me?

zorn-v commented 2 years ago

Try to disable "welcome app". I'll check it further, but there is was no problems with it. Maybe you have some custom "welcome" ?

inttny commented 2 years ago

yes and it works, I disabled the app named "First run wizard", thanks!

On 12/28/2021 @.***> wrote:

Try to disable "welcome app".

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inttny commented 2 years ago

I disabled the app named "First run wizard", and now it works. Thanks!