zorn-v / nextcloud-social-login

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Clean up after unlinking a (discord) account, the database is not correct #442

Closed iFuzzle closed 5 months ago

iFuzzle commented 6 months ago

``After unlinking my account from discord I tried to link it again and was not able to. Apparently some clean up is not working correctly.

How to reproduce:

MIGHT be part of the cause:

Break the linking:


Mitigation: I removed my App from the know discord apps, but that alone did not fix the issue. I was finaly able to fix my issue by deleting a line in the database, that had a discord-[your numerical discord ID] uid in the table oc_users DELETE FROM oc_users WHERE uid="discord-xxxx";

I did not fully test the reproduction steps again, so please have a look yourself if you try to reproduce :)


date: '19-12-2023'
host: 'Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b (on a Raspberry Pi Model 4 B)'
nextcloud-image: 'apache'
nextcloud-version: '28.0'
database: 'mariaDB'
database-image: 'mariadb:10.6'
database-version: 'mysql  Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.6.16-MariaDB, for debian-linux-gnu (aarch64) using readline 5.2'
redis-image: 'latest:alpine'
sociallogin-version: 5.6.0

for the configuration of the sociallogin app I only ticked the boxes 2-5 (create user as deactivated, allow users to link social login with existing accounts, block new user creation if the email address is known(!), refresh the user profile picture with every login)

Let me know if you need further details :)

francoisauclair911 commented 5 months ago

Same issue here

zorn-v commented 5 months ago

I can not reproduce it, and totally did not understand how it can be. If you does not see user in users panel then it is not database. Same for links. Maybe you check it in wrong place (not at "disabled users" menu) ?

zorn-v commented 5 months ago

Close then ? No any information to go further.