zorn / franklin

Franklin is written in Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView and is an intentionally over-engineered blog application. It uses an event-sourced / CQRS core (via commanded) along side modern component-based UI presentation. It aims to make even the simple things overly complex in the spirit of personal education towards these architecture decisions.
MIT License
16 stars 5 forks source link

Experiment with a fly.io deployment #258

Open zorn opened 1 year ago

zorn commented 1 year ago

Got this email and should I return to the branch I should follow it's instructions.

Hello! This email is to officially inform you that your app “quiet-wave-8219” has been migrated to our shiny V2 platform. This will make your app [more reliable](https://fly.io/blog/carving-the-scheduler-out-of-our-orchestrator/#numad), [easier to control](https://fly.io/docs/machines/guides-examples/machines-app-using-flyctl/), and [maybe even cheaper](https://fly.io/docs/apps/autostart-stop/). You can read all about it here: [We’re Getting off Nomad](https://community.fly.io/t/get-in-losers-were-getting-off-nomad/12914).

You don’t need to make any immediate changes, but right now would be a good time to update flyctl and run fly config save to pull in the latest fly.toml format.

If you have questions, get stuck, or want to talk about what you’re building, come to find us on the community forum: https://community.fly.io/.

Thanks, Your Friends at [Fly.io](https://fly.io/)