zorostang / chicago_bike_equity

Visualization and analysis of Chicago bike lanes. An effort to determine how the bike lane installations are divided among the entire city.
MIT License
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Why does ESRI's reverse geocoder fail sometimes? #38

Closed stevevance closed 9 years ago

stevevance commented 9 years ago

Occasionally the reverse geocode function fails to produce a response.

Is our JavaScript looking for the right response codes/statuses and does it know what to do with the "wrong" response?

guillermokrh commented 9 years ago

Update: Figured out the error that it throws, working on printing out a nice message that says something to the effect of "try again".

stevevance commented 9 years ago

@guillermokrh What error was it throwing?

Would it be possible to "try again" without requested that the user do anything?

guillermokrh commented 9 years ago

screen shot 2015-04-21 at 7 50 28 pm

guillermokrh commented 9 years ago

I think it is possible to try again, but shouldn't we let the user know that there is no data for the specific location they are requesting?

stevevance commented 9 years ago

@guillermokrh Ife was working on this today, setting up a new geocoder with Pelias, actually. I'm going to go ahead and close it.